PyCharm 2021.3 Help

Part 6. Django-specific navigation

Finally, you will explore the Django-specific navigation.

Note that same type of navigation is available for the other frameworks, such as Pyramid and Flask.

Use the example from the "first steps" guide Step 4. Create and Run your first Django project.

Jumping from a view to a template

Open the file for editing F4. In the gutter, next to the line template_name = "polls/index.html", you see the icon Icons file types html.

Hovering the mouse pointer over this icon reveals the following popup:

Go to template

Clicking this icon results in jumping directly to the template index.html, that resides in the folder polls under templates:

Opened index.html

Jumping from a template to a view

In the gutter of the template file index.html, you see the icon python. If you hover your mouse pointer over this icon, you'll see the following popup:

Jump to view

Clicking this icon leads you directly to the corresponding view.

Jumping between views and file

PyCharm allows you to easily navigate between a particular view and the corresponding url. This is how it's done:

  1. Hover your mouse pointer over the view name, while keeping Ctrl key pressed, and see the view name turning into a hyperlink:

    Jump to detail via URL
  2. If you click this hyperlink, you'll jump directly to the corresponding URL:

    Jump to a template

Vice versa, you can also jump from a URL to the corresponding view. Again, in the file, hover your mouse pointer over the view name, while keeping Ctrl key pressed, and see the view name turning into a hyperlink.

Ctrl+Click the view name - and find yourself in the corresponding view.

By the way, if you click a pin icon Pin button in the popup, this popup becomes "pinned" - that is, turns into a tool window:

Jumping to a view

In a Django project, you see the same icons override and override as in a pure Python project. When you hover your mouse pointer over such an icon, you see a popup, like the following:

Navigation with a gutter icon

You can also jump to a declaration or implementation of a symbol. To do that, just place the caret at the implementing/overriding symbol and press Ctrl+B or Ctrl+Alt+B (or choose Navigate | Declaration or Usages or Navigate | Implementation from the main menu):

Navigate to declaration or implementation

Jumping to tests

Django applications can be tested same as the pure Python ones. Same way you can create tests for the Django projects, for example, press Ctrl+Shift+T:

Create a Django test

Fill in the form in the Create test dialog:

Create a test dialog

You'll see the code like:

from unittest import TestCase class TestQuestion(TestCase): def test_was_published_recently(self): self.fails()

The test class naturally fails, but it's up to you to write some meaningful code.


This brief tutorial is over. You've mastered the following features:

  • Used the gutter icons to navigate between views and templates.

  • Navigated between views and urls.

  • Repeated how to jump to an implementation or declaration.

  • Repeated how to navigate to an existing test or create a new one.

Last modified: 12 April 2022