With PyCharm, you can run entire applications as well as particular scripts.
PyCharm uses settings that are defined in a Run/debug configurations. All the run configurations that currently exist in a project, are available in the Select Run/Debug Configuration list.
If you want to see the list of all currently running applications, select Run | Show Running List from the main menu. Refer to the View running processes section for details.
Note that after you've started a run session, the icon in the Run tool window and in the Run/Debug Configuration Selector toggles to to indicate that the run process is active.
You can configure some tools (for example, npm scripts) to be launched before running. In this case, PyCharm runs the tools, and after success will run the application. Otherwise, the application starts immediately.
If the options that launch tools before running were enabled in a Run/Debug configuration, PyCharm runs the tools, and after success will run the application. Otherwise, the program will start immediately.
Running a script
Choose Run | Run from the main menu or press Alt+Shift+F10, and then select the desired run/debug configuration.
This way it's possible to run any available run/debug configuration - one has to choose the desired run/debug configuration from the popup menu that shows all the run/debug configurations, existing in a project.
For the main clause: In the gutter, click , and choose the desired command.
Choose Run <name> from the context menu:
Press Ctrl+Shift+F10.
Select the desired module in the Project tool window and choose Run <name > from the context menu of the selection.
You can review any output from your running applications in the Run window console. The output from each application is displayed in its own tab of the Run tool window, named after the corresponding run/debug configuration.
If you re-runan application, the new output overwrites the contents of the tab. To preserve the output of an application, even if you re-run it, pin the output tab.
Using the Run pop-up menu
Invoke the Run popup menu either by choosing the Run | Run command from the main menu, or by pressing Alt+Shift+F10.
From this popup menu that you can:
Invoke the Edit Configuration dialog.
Edit the selected configuration before launch F4.
Instantly delete a configuration Delete.
Switch from run to debug and vice versa (hold Shift).
Access a previously selected configuration 1.
This popup menu can also be quickly accessed by pressing F9, when you're not running any debug session.
Rerunning applications
In the Run window, select the tab where the desired application is opened.
In the toolbar of the Run window, click the Rerun button , or press Ctrl+F5.
If you want to re-run without loosing focus in the editor tab you are working in, press Shift+F10.