Available Packages
Last modified: 17 March 2022Windows and Linux: File | Settings | Python Interpreter |
macOS: PyCharm | Preferences | Python Interpreter |
This dialog is a package manager that enables the following functions:
Viewing packages, available in the remote repositories
Installing selected packages locally.
Adding and removing repositories
Item | Description |
Search field | Type here the search string. In doing so, the list of packages shrinks to show the package names containing the entered string only.
Package | This area shows the list of packages residing in the accessible remote repositories. For each package you can view its name and repository. Additional information (description and versions) is displayed to the right. |
Description | For any selected package this field displays brief description, the latest version, author names, web site and email address. |
Specify version | If this checkbox is selected, the specified version of a package will be downloaded and installed. If this checkbox is not selected, then the latest version will be installed.
Options | Select this checkbox to enter the option of the One can explore the possible options by typing
Install package | Click this button to install the selected package. |
Manage repositories | Click this button to open the Manage Repositories dialog. By default, only the pypi repository is available. This repository cannot be deleted. It is possible to add more repositories, and delete the selected ones. |