Dart settings
Last modified: 24 August 2022Item | Description |
Enable Dart support in project <project name> |
Dart SDK path | In this field, specify the location of the downloaded Dart SDK. If you followed the standard installation procedure, as described on the Dart official website, PyCharm detects the path to the Dart SDK automatically. Alternatively, type the path manually or click If PyCharm recognizes the Dart SDK correctly, its revision number is displayed in the Version read-only field. |
Version | In this read-only field, PyCharm shows the revision number of the detected Dart SDK, provided that the SDK is recognized correctly. |
Check SDK update | When this checkbox is selected, PyCharm checks whether the specified above version of SDK is the latest one. If a newer version of SDK is available, PyCharm displays a pane at the top of the active editor informing you that a newer SDK version has been released. Do one of the following:
From the list, choose the release types of SDK to look in, the available options are:
Webdev server port | In this field, specify the port on which the webdev server will start the Dart web app , see Running and debugging Dart web applications. If you are debugging your Dart web application with Dart webdev daemon, configure the port in the Dart Web run/debug configuration, see Running and debugging Dart web applications. The default webdev server port is 53322. If this port is already busy, PyCharm uses the closest free one. |
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