Remote host tool window
Last modified: 17 March 2022Tools | Deployment | Browse Remote Host
Use this tool window to view the folder structure of the target FTP/FTPS/SFTP servers and the data uploaded to them.
Getting access to the Remote Host tool window
View | Tool Windows | Remote Host - the tool window can be accessed this way after you have opened it using the Tools | Deployment | Browse Remote Host command.
The tool window is available only when the FTP/SFTP/WebDAV Connectivity bundled plugin is enabled. The plugin is active by default. If not, activate it in the Plugins page of the Settings dialog.
Item | Tooltip and Shortcut | Description |
Remote host | From this drop-down list, select the desired remote host configuration. | |
Shift+Enter | Click the browse button to add a new server. | |
Collapse All Ctrl+NumPad - | Click this button to have all nodes in the view collapsed. | |
Refresh Ctrl+F5 | Click this button to refresh the view. | |
Close Ctrl+Shift+F4 | Click this button to close the tool window. |
Context menu
Item | Description |
Upload Here | Choose this option to have the files from the currently opened project uploaded according to the selected configuration. If the action is invoked from the context menu of a file, the corresponding local file is uploaded. If the action is invoked from a folder, the entire folder is uploaded. |
Download from here | Choose this option to download the selected file or folder to the currently opened. The existing local files will be updated and the missing files will be created. |
New | Choose this option to create a new remote file or folder in the selected folder. The option is available only from the context menu of a folder. |
Rename | Choose this option to rename the selected file or folder. |
Delete | Choose this option to remove the selected file or folder. |
Cut | Choose this option to copy the name of the selected file or folder to the clipboard and remove the file or folder from the tree. |
Copy | Choose this option to copy the name of the selected file or folder to the clipboard. |
Paste | Choose this option to insert the previously copied name of a file or a folder into the tree. |
Edit Local File | When you select a file and choose this option, PyCharm opens its local copy in the editor and moves the focus to the corresponding. The option is available only when the project with the corresponding local file is currently opened i the editor. |
Sync with Local | Choose this option to compare the selected remote folder with its local version. In the Differences Viewer for Folders that opens, explore the differences and synchronize the files, where applicable. See comparing two folders in the difference viewer. See Compare deployed files and folders with their local versions for details. |
Compare with Local Version | Choose this option to compare the selected remote file with its local version. In the Differences Viewer for Files dialog that opens, explore the differences and apply them, if necessary, using the See Compare deployed files and folders with their local versions for details. |
Edit Remote File | Choose this option to edit the selected file in the PyCharm editor without adding it to the currently opened project. See Edit individual files on remote hosts for details. |
Copy Path | |
Exclude Path | Choose this option to exclude the selected folder from upload/download. See Exclude files and folders from uploading and downloading for details. |
Copy Path | Choose this option to copy the absolute path to the selected file or folder on the server to the clipboard. |
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