PyCharm 2022.3 Help

Creating Pyramid Project

Pyramid project scaffolds are intended for productive development of Pyramid applications. PyCharm takes care of creating the specific directory structure and settings.

To create a Pyramid project, follow these steps

  1. From the main menu, choose File | New Project..., or click the New Project button in the Welcome screen. New Project dialog opens.

    Create a Pyramid project
  2. In the New Project dialog, do the following:

    • Specify project type Pyramid.

    • Specify project location.

    • Next, choose whether you want to create a new environment or use an existing interpreter, by clicking the corresponding radio-button.

      New environment
      • If this option has been selected, choose the tool to be used to create a virtual environment. To do that, click the list and choose Virtualenv, Pipenv, Poetry, or Conda.

      • Next, specify the Location and Base interpreter of the new virtual environment.

        Select the Inherit global site-packages checkbox if you want all packages installed in the global Python on your machine to be added to the virtual environment you're going to create. This checkbox corresponds to the --system-site-packages option of the virtualenv tool.

        Select the Make available to all projects checkbox if you want to reuse this environment when creating Python interpreters in PyCharm.

      • If PyCharm detects no Python on your machine, it provides the following options:

        • Specify a path to the Python executable (in case of non-standard installation)

        • Download and install the latest Python versions from

        • Install Python using the Command-Line Developer Tools (macOS only).

        Downloading Python when creating a new project
        Downloading Python when creating a new project
      Previously configured interpreter

      If this option has been selected, choose the desired interpreter from the list, or (if the desired interpreter is not found), click Add Interpreter and choose the interpreter.

      See Configure a Python interpreter for details.

  3. Click More settings (More Settings), and specify the following:

    • The Pyramid application name.

    • Specify the name of the Pyramid project in the Project name field.

    • From the Template language list, select the language to be used.

    • From the Backend list, select a backend for Pyramid cookiecutters. The possible options are:

      • None: URL dispatch for routing

      • SQLAlchemy: SQLite for persistent storage, SQLAlchemy for an ORM, URL dispatch for routing, and Alembic for database migrations

      • ZODB: ZODB for persistent storage and traversal for routing

  4. Click Create.

  5. If an alert pops up,


    click No. We are creating a new project.

    PyCharm creates a project, installs Pyramid and its dependencies, and produces specific directory structure, which you can explore in the Project tool window. Open any file in the project directory. If there are unsatisfied package requirements, PyCharm suggests to resolve or ignore them:


    You should install the dependencies to be able to run the development server.

    When you create a Pyramid project, you must run develop to install the project for development. PyCharm might inform you to do so as shown in the screenshot below:

    install for development

    Alternatively, you can select Tools | Run Task... and enter develop. Another popup appears Run Setup Task develop. Click OK.

    If you created an alchemy-based project, you need to initialise the database, open the terminal (make sure virtual environment is active) and run the command:

    initialize_PROJECTNAME_db development.ini

    (Replace PROJECTNAME with your exact project name.)

Last modified: 17 November 2022