Last modified: 21 July 2022Specify how you want images to be shown in PyCharm. Optionally, specify an external editor for working with images.
Item | Description |
Editor | Use this area to specify the settings according to which images should be displayed in PyCharm. |
Show Grid lines by default | Select this checkbox to have a grid displayed when reviewing image files.
Show Grid lines only when zoom factor equal or more than | Use this spin box to specify the minimum zoom factor to have a grid displayed. |
Show Grid line after every (pixels) | Use this spin box to specify the number of pixels between a pair of grid lines. |
Grid line color | From this palette, click the color to display grid lines. |
Show transparency chessboard by default | Select this checkbox to have transparent pieces of images shown as a chessboard. |
Chessboard cell size | Use this spin box to specify the chessboard cell size. |
Color of 'white' cell | From this palette, click the color to display chessboard cells located at initially 'white' positions. |
Color of 'black' cell | From this palette, click the color to display chessboard cells located at initially 'black' positions. |
Zoom image with mouse wheel (Ctrl/Cmd + Mouse Wheel) | Select this checkbox to enable zooming the image through the Ctrl+mouse wheel combination. |
Enable smart zooming | Use this option to automatically zoom images: small images will be zoomed in to the width and height specified below; large images will be zoomed out to fit the window size. |
External Editor | In this area, specify an external editor for working with images. |
Executable path | In this field, specify the path to the executable image editor file. |
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