Docker Registry Dialog
For this dialog to be available, the Docker integration plugin must be installed and enabled.
Specify your Docker image repository user account settings.
- Name
Specify the name for this registry configuration.
- Registry
Select one of the available public Docker registries or a custom self-hosted instance:
Docker Hub:
JetBrains Space: your instance of Space
Docker V2: your instance of the Docker Registry HTTP API V2
Generic: your instance of a self-hosted Docker registry
Unlike other types of registries, a configured Generic self-hosted registry will not be available in the Services tool window (View | Tool Windows | Services or Alt08), so you will not be able to browse and pull images from it. It will, however, be available along with other registries in the list for pushing an image.
- Address
Specify the URL of your Space instance. For other registries, the public URL is predefined.
- Username
Specify the name of your user account in the selected registry.
- Password
Specify the password for your user account in the selected registry.
- Token
Specify the access token for the selected Docker registry
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