Comment Type | In this area, specify the type of comment to enclose copyright notices in. The available options are: Use block comment: select this option to have copyright notices enclosed in block comments. Prefix each line: select this checkbox to have each line of a copyright notice prepended with the character defined in the Separator field. By default, an asterisk is used. Use line comment: select this option to have copyright notices represented as a sequence of line comments.
Borders | In this area, define how to separate copyright notices from other comments. Separator before: select this checkbox have a copyright notice prepended with a line of characters defined in the Separator field. The number of characters in a separator line is defined in the Length field. Separator after: select this checkbox have a copyright notice followed by a line of characters defined in the Separator field. The number of characters in a separator line is defined in the Length field. Separator: in this field, type the character that will be used in the separator strings and as a prefix or ending character in block comments. Box: select this checkbox to have each line of a copyright notice followed by a character defined in the Separator field. Add blank line before: select this checkbox to have a blank line inserted before a copyright notice. Add blank line after: select this checkbox to have a blank line inserted after a copyright notice.
Relative Location | In this area, specify the location of a copyright notice relative to other comments in a file. Before other comments: when this option is selected, copyright notices are inserted above other comments. After other comments: when this option is selected, copyright notices are inserted below other comments.
Preview | Use this area to view a sample copyright notice with the formatting you have defined. |