Qodana 2021.2 Help

Docker image configuration

Docker image paths

  • /data/project: root directory of the project to be analyzed

  • /data/versus: directory containing projects to compare against

  • /data/results: directory to store the analysis results, needs to be empty before each Qodana run


Available arguments:

$ docker run jetbrains/qodana-clone-finder Usage: entrypoint [OPTIONS] Application & help options: -i, --project-dir DIRECTORY Queried project -o, --results-dir PATH Save results to the folder -v, --versus-dir DIRECTORY Reference projects to compare the queried project with -s, --save-report Generate an HTML report -w, --show-report Serve an HTML report on port 8080 -l, --language [PHP|Java|Kotlin] One or more languages to search clones in --verbose Show logs and debugging info --help Show this message and exit

Examples of execution tuneup:

  • Display a report in HTML. After the Clone Finder analysis is finished, the container will not exit and will listen to port 8080. You can connect to http://localhost:8080 to see the results. When done, you can stop the web server by pressing Ctrl-C in the Docker console.

    docker run ... -p 8080:8080 <image-name> --show-report
  • Specify languages explicitly

    docker run ... <image-name> -l <language-name>

Run as non-root

By default, the container is run as the root user so that Qodana can read any volumes bind-mounted with the project and write the results. As a result, files in the results/ folder are owned by the root after the run.
To avoid this, you can run the container as a regular user:

docker run -u $UID ... # or docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) ...

Note that in this case, the results/ folder on host should already be created and owned by you. Otherwise, Docker will create it as root and Qodana will not be able to write to it.

Turn off user statistics

To disable the reporting of usage statistics, add DISABLE_STAT_COLLECTION environment variable:

docker run -e DISABLE_STAT_COLLECTION=true <image-name>
Last modified: 15 September 2021