Qodana 2021.2 Help

TeamCity plugin configuration

The main Qodana functionality comes from the 'engine' shaped into the Docker image. If you want to go beyond the boundaries of the default settings, refer to the Docker image guide. Note that you don't need to write docker run on your own: the plugin will do it for you. You can just use all other options and provide them via the dedicated UI or DSL properties.

Add Qodana analysis to your project builds on TeamCity


  • You use TeamCity as a build server for your project. If not, learn how to do it in TeamCity documentation.

  • Your project language is included in the list of fully supported technologies.

  • The Qodana plugin is installed on your TeamCity server (you can do it yourself or contact the server's administrator to do this).

(Optional) Add a configuration script

Custom profile configuration for Qodana linters is stored in qodana.yaml. When using a CI system, you need to put this file to the working directory manually. Alternatively, you can write a script that will do it for you.

  1. On TeamCity left navigation panel, select your project and go to Edit configuration | Build Steps.

  2. Select Add build step | Command Line.

  3. For Step name, specify an optional name, for example, "Add qodana.yaml".

  4. For Run, select Custom script.

  5. In the Custom script editor, write a script that adds a custom qodana.yaml to the working directory.

    In the example below, the script appends the following inspection exclusions to the configuration file:

#!/bin/sh FILE="./qodana.yaml" /bin/cat <<EOM >$FILE exclude: - name: Annotator - name: AnotherInspectionId paths: - relative/path - another/relative/path - name: CloneFinder - name: ProhibitedDependencyLicense EOM

Add a Qodana runner

  1. On TeamCity left navigation panel, select your project and go to Edit configuration | Build Steps.

  2. Select Add build step and for Runner type, specify Qodana.

    In the following steps, specify additional parameters for Qodana's docker run command, which you can also see in the Qodana for JVM Docker Image readme.

  3. Select the checkbox next to Code Inspections (stands for the Qodana for JVM linter).

  4. For Root of the project for the analysis, specify the path to your project root where its configuration files are located. Leave empty for the Checkout directory specified on the Version Control Settings tab (system agent working directory).

  5. For Image name:tag, specify an image name.

    Public image (EAP) points to the default jetbrains/qodana:latest.

    Custom allows to specify your own value in the field that appears below.

    Or you can click the question mark sign "?" to select an image from the Docker registry with Qodana images.

  6. For Profile, select

    • Default (qodana.recommended).

    • Name of embedded profile and specify the name of a profile available for your project in IntelliJ IDEA.

    • Path to IntelliJ profile and specify the path to the necessary .xml file in your working directory. Not recommended because in this case you will not be able to edit this profile from IntelliJ IDEA.

  7. For Disabled plugins, select

    • Default or None to use all the plugins of the IntelliJ Platform included in the Qodana Docker image.

    • Custom or File to specify your own list of the plugins to disable. However, currently there is no need to disable any plugins.

  8. For Additional parameters for JVM, you can specify more parameters to run the Docker image such as the logging level.

  9. In Additional arguments for Docker run, you can specify any arguments accepted by the Docker image of the Qodana for JVM linter. For example, -d or -changes as you can see in the docker techs for Qodana for JVM.

  10. Click Save. Now you can run a build with new Qodana inspection parameters you specified.

Add more runners to your build

You can add inspections by Clone Finder or License Audit to your build steps.

When viewing analysis results for a specific build later, you can disable certain runners and inspections via qodana.yaml and update the configuration script.

Prerequisites for adding more runners

  • The Qodana plugin for teamCity is installed.

  • The Clone Finder or License Audit plugins for teamCity are installed as necessary.

Advanced configuration

Advanced configuration lets you report all found problems via the standard TeamCity tests mechanism. It means you can assign investigations, mute, see history, and do everything else you can do with regular tests in TeamCity. Qodana reports tests in four different ways:

  • per problem

  • per inspection type

  • per inspection type/per module (if this information is available)

  • per inspection type/per file


On TeamCity, open your project build page and go to the Build Log tab. Here you can find a standard shell output where errors are highlighted in yellow.

For more details, go to the Artifacts tab, where more detailed logs for TeamCity and Qodana are provided.

For more about TeamCity logs, see TeamCity documentation.

Last modified: 14 October 2021