Discover QodanaThese topics will help you get started with Qodana.About QodanaQodana is a code quality monitoring platform that brings into your CI/CD pipelines all the smart features you love in the JetBrains IDEs as well as project-level checks like clone detection and license audit.Getting startedLearn how to get started with Qodana in a few simple stepsQodana lintersQodana for JVMThe Qodana for JVM linter lets you perform static analysis of Java and Kotlin for Server Side projects, with Spring, Jakarta EE, Java EE, Micronaut, Quarkus, Helidon, and more JVM frameworks support.Qodana Community for JVMThe Qodana Community for JVM linter lets you perform static analysis of Java and Kotlin for Server Side projects.Qodana Community for AndroidThe Qodana Community for Android linter lets you perform static analysis of Java and Kotlin for Server Side projects with Android development support.Qodana for PHPThe Qodana for PHP linter lets you perform static analysis of PHP projects.Qodana for PythonThe Qodana for Python linter lets you perform static analysis of Python projects.Qodana for JSThe Qodana for JS linter lets you perform static analysis of JavaScript and TypeScript projects.Qodana Clone FinderQodana Clone Finder compares a queried project against a number of reference projects and lists all duplicate functions ranked by their importance.License auditLicense audit helps software projects avoid problems with incompatible third-party licenses.How-to guidesConfigure profileQodana runs are configured via the `qodana.yaml` configuration file.Open an HTML reportView the Qodana run results in the browserQodana Docker imagesConfigure the Qodana Docker imagesDistribution formatsQodana Docker imagesGitHub ActionsIntegration with CI systemsQodana as a ServiceInspection resultsUser interface overviewQodana code inspection output formatsClone Finder output formatsSARIF outputLearn moreSupported technologiesThanks for your feedback!Was this page helpful?YesNo