Qodana CloudRunning Qodana CloudQuick startQuick startEdit page Last modified: 16 November 2023 To start using Qodana Cloud, navigate to the Qodana Cloud website and create your account.After logging in to Qodana Cloud for the first time, you will be redirected to the onboarding page for creating an organization, a team, a project, and have a project token generated for your project.tipThis is how you can learn more about Qodana Cloud components.Use the generated project token for forwarding Qodana reports to Qodana Cloud.Finally, run Qodana locally or in a CI/CD pipeline, and view inspection results in Qodana Cloud.If necessary, you can create additional teams and projects without the onboarding wizard:On the organization page, you can create a teamOn the team page, you can create and configure a projectThanks for your feedback!Was this page helpful?YesNo