Qodana Cloud use-cases
Using Qodana Cloud, you can aggregate Qodana reports from various projects, explore development trends, and analyze team and project performance.
To organize your work, Qodana Cloud provides a hierarchy consisting of organizations, teams, and projects. These entities let you assign several projects to a single team. Also, you can achieve transparency using real-time widgets.
Each project stores history of inspection results and compares results between commits. You can examine the absolute number of problems detected, or compare the number of problems against a baseline taken during a specific Qodana run.
If you are already a Qodana user, you might know that you can open issues spotted by Qodana right in your IDE. This feature is available in Qodana Cloud meaning that you can fix server-side errors in the editor like you work with other suggestions given by the IDE.
Using Qodana, you can run resource-intensive checks outside your development environment without affecting performance of your IDE. In fact, we created Qodana to ensure that you no longer have to choose between code quality and IDE performance.
In Qodana Cloud, you can build reports to evaluate all pieces of code that require modification, and select the issues to add to a baseline. This way, the whole team can see the same list of issues and monitor progress using the interactive Qodana dashboard.
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