Predefined File Templates for VB.NET
ReSharper | Templates Explorer | File Templates | VB.NET
This topic lists all predefined file templates for VB.NET in ReSharper 2021.2. For more information about file templates, see Create files from templates
Template | Details |
| Create a new file in the current project containing an empty VB.NET Class. Scope VB.NET projects Body
| Create a new file in the current project containing an empty VB.NET Interface. Scope VB.NET projects Body
| Create a new file in the current project containing an empty VB.NET Structure. Scope VB.NET projects Body
| Create a new file in the current project containing an empty VB.NET Module. Scope VB.NET projects Body
| Create a new file in the current project containing an empty VB.NET Enum. Scope VB.NET projects Body