Analysis of integer values (integral arithmetics)
Last modified: 21 July 2022ReSharper can track the flow of integer values through your code and report redundant or possibly erroneous statements. It supports all C# integral numeric types — int
, uint
, byte
, sbyte
, short
, ushort
, long
, and ulong
— and warns you about the following issues:
relational/equality operators that always evaluate to
cases checkingint
values,meaningless arithmetic operations, such as multiplication by
or addition of0
(except literals or constants: ReSharper assumes that expressions likex + 0
are intentional),possible
overflows,possible division by
,possible errors in invocations of
methods,the above issues in enumeration types with the corresponding underlying types.
Toggle integer value analysis
Analysis of integer values is enabled by default. If necessary, you can disable it by clearing the Analyze integer arithmetic checkbox on the Code Inspection | Settings page of ReSharper options (Alt+R, O)
How it works
ReSharper narrows down the possible range of values for each integer according to possible outcomes of all statements and expressions that can produce or affect that integer. Let's consider some examples.
ReSharper can deduce that temp < 0
in the example below will always evaluate to false
because Math.Abs always returns a non-negative value.
void TestInput(int input)
var temp = Math.Abs(input);
// do something
if(temp < 0) // Expression is always false
Console.WriteLine("Some output");
In the following example, ReSharper infers that by the last return
, the value of input
is in the range of -100 ... 100
, and when divided by a larger divider
, it will be truncated towards zero.
int TestDivision(int input, int delta)
const int divider = 500;
if(input < -100 || input > 100)
return input;
input = input / divider;
// do something
return delta + input; // Addition of 0
Refine analysis with annotations
There are two JetBrains.Annotations attributes ([NonNegativeValue]
and [ValueRange(from, to)]
) for analysis of integer values.
You can use these attributes with type members returning int
and with int
parameters to specify known constraints and thus improve analysis precision.
Here is an example of annotating the method parameter with [NonNegativeValueAttribute] to refine the analysis within the method body. Knowing that the parameter is non-negative, ReSharper can report all redundant operations on that parameter:
void TestSwitch([NonNegativeValue] int input)
var newValue = input switch
0 => 1,
-1 => 0, // Case is heuristically unreachable
_ => input,
if (input < 0) // Expression is always false
Console.WriteLine("some output");
The following example demonstrates how annotating a method can help find redundant checks around its usages:
int RollDice() => // my random generator
void Play()
var firstRoll = RollDice();
if (firstRoll < 1 || firstRoll > 6) // Expression is always false
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
// roll again