Open assemblies from NuGet packages
Last modified: 21 July 2022ReSharper provides several ways to explore NuGet packages and assemblies they contain:
From disk
You can open any NuGet package from disk by clicking on the toolbar of the Assembly Explorer window, and then choosing one or several .nupkg files.
From package source
You can load assemblies from NuGet packages using any local or remote package source.
Load assemblies from a NuGet package source
on the toolbar of the Assembly Explorer window. This will open the Open from NuGet dialog.
Specify a package source. This can be a disk path or a URL where ReSharper will look for NuGet packages.
Specify package filters. ReSharper will use this field to display only packages that contain the specified substring in their names.
Use the check boxes to define whether you want to find latest/all and release/pre-release package versions.
If the specified package source contains any packages matching the specified filter, you will see these packages in the list.
Choose the desired package and click Open to load the package and all assemblies it contains to the Assembly Explorer window. Optionally, select Load dependencies to load all dependent packages and assemblies.

From local package cache
If you want to explore assemblies from any NuGet packages that you have recently used, ReSharper will help you quickly find and open them from the NuGet global cache folder %USERPROFILE%
Load assemblies from local NuGet package cache
on the toolbar of the Assembly Explorer window. This will open the Open from NuGet Packages Cache dialog.
The dialog lists packages from all NuGet cache locations on your machine. Use the search field in the dialog to find the desired package.
Choose the desired package (you can Ctrl-click to select multiple packages) and then click Ok to load the packages and all assemblies from them to the Assembly Explorer window.

If at any point you would like to clear the decompilation cache, remove the data in %LOCALAPPDATA%
\JetBrains .\Shared \vAny \DecompilerCache