Tabs and Indents
Last modified: 21 July 2022ReSharper | Options | Code Editing | C++ | Formatting Style | Tabs and Indents

This page helps you specify how ReSharper should format indents in your code when you type or when you reformat existing code.
By default, ReSharper uses Visual Studio preferences for tabs and indents (Tools | Options | Text Editor | All Languages | Tabs and Tools | Options | Text Editor | [language] | Tabs). However, if you prefer to share formatter preferences with your team using ReSharper's layered settings, you can clear the Use indent style and size from Visual Studio checkbox , and then configure and save your indentation preferences to the team-shared setting layer.
If there are .editorconfig files that affect your solution, preferences on this page could be overridden by EditorConfig styles. You will see a yellow warning if at least one preference on the page is overridden by EditorConfig styles for the current file, each overridden preference will also be highlighted with yellow. For example:

If your preferences say that whitespaces should be used for indents, ReSharper will also use whitespaces to align multiple constructs — for example, when function parameters on multiple lines are aligned by the first parameter:
void foo(int firstParameter,
int secondParameter)
However, when you choose to use tabs for indents, there could be different ways for aligning multi-line constructs. ReSharper lets you choose which of these ways to use when creating new and reformatting existing code.
You can configure preferences for aligning multi-line constructs with the How to align when tabs are used for indents option .