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Naming Style

Last modified: 21 July 2022

ReSharper | Options | Code Editing | C# | Naming Style

ReSharper options: Code Editing | C# | Naming Style

This page of ReSharper options defines symbol naming rules for C#.

ReSharper helps you define, control, and apply naming style for symbols in your code. Naming style is implemented as a set of rules, each of which targets specific identifiers with the set of constraints . Each rule can have one or more associated styles that define suffixes, prefixes, capitalization of compound words, and so on.

These rules are taken into account when ReSharper produces new code with code completion and code generation features, applies code templates and performs refactorings. ReSharper also helps you detect and fix violations of naming rules. If necessary, the automatic checkup of naming rules can be configured or disabled.