| Current file context Scope everywhere Body Parameters CTX - Provides list of items describing current context. This includes file name, containing type name, namespace name, etc. (context)
| Insert new GUID Scope everywhere Body Parameters GUID - Generates new Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) (guid)
| union declaration Scope C++ type-member declarations, C++ class declarations Body Parameters NAME - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Write to standard output stream Scope C++ statements Body Parameters END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Write to standard log stream Scope C++ statements Body Parameters END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Copy constructor declaration with body Scope C++ type-member declarations Body $CLASSNAME$($CONSTCLASSNAME$ & $NAME$){$END$}
Parameters CLASSNAME - Evaluates to short name of the most inner containing type. (typeName)
CONSTCLASSNAME - Evaluates to the short name of the most inner containing type with a const specifier. (constTypeName)
NAME - When executed in variable declaration (where variable name should stand), suggests name for the variable. (suggestVariableName)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Read from standard input stream Scope C++ statements Body Parameters END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Default constructor declaration with body Scope C++ type-member declarations Body Parameters CLASSNAME - Evaluates to short name of the most inner containing type. (typeName)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| UCLASS declaration Scope Unreal Engine solutions, C++ class declarations Body UCLASS()
class $NAME$:public $BASE$ {GENERATED_BODY() public:$END$};
Parameters NAME - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
BASE - Show basic code completion list at the point where the variable is evaluated (complete)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| UENUM declaration using the "enum class" syntax Scope Unreal Engine solutions, C++ class declarations Body UENUM()
enum class $NAME$ {$END$};
Parameters NAME - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| UENUM declaration Scope Unreal Engine solutions, C++ class declarations Body UENUM()
enum $NAME$ {$END$};
Parameters NAME - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Move constructor declaration with body Scope C++ type-member declarations Body $CLASSNAME$($CLASSNAME$ && $NAME$) noexcept {$END$}
Parameters CLASSNAME - Evaluates to short name of the most inner containing type. (typeName)
NAME - When executed in variable declaration (where variable name should stand), suggests name for the variable. (suggestVariableName)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| else statement Scope C++ statements Body Parameters END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Virtual destructor declaration with body Scope C++ type-member declarations Body virtual ~$CLASSNAME$(){$END$}
Parameters CLASSNAME - Evaluates to short name of the most inner containing type. (typeName)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Function 'to_string' for enum Scope C++ namespace declarations Body const char * to_string($ENUM$ e) {
switch (e) {
default: return "unknown";
Parameters ENUM - The name of the enum that the action is invoked on. (cppEnumToStringEnum)
ENUMERATOR - Duplicates the containing template line for each enumerator and evaluates to the name of the enumerator. (cppEnumToStringEnumerator)
ENUMERATOR_NAME - Duplicates the containing template line for each enumerator and evaluates to a string with the name of the enumerator. (cppEnumToStringEnumeratorName)
This template is expanded when you invoke the Convert enum to string context action on an enum declaration. |
| USTRUCT declaration Scope Unreal Engine solutions, C++ class declarations Body USTRUCT()
Parameters NAME - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Destructor declaration with body Scope C++ type-member declarations Body Parameters CLASSNAME - Evaluates to short name of the most inner containing type. (typeName)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Enum class declaration Scope C++ type-member declarations, C++ class declarations Body enum class $NAME$ {$END$};
Parameters NAME - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Reversed for Scope C++ statements Body for (int $INDEX$ = $MAX$ - 1; $INDEX$ >= 0 ; --$INDEX$)
Parameters INDEX - Suggests non-used name which can be used for an index variable at the evaluation point. (suggestIndexVariable)
MAX - no macro
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Write to standard log stream Scope C++ statements Body Parameters END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Documentation template Scope C++ comments Body Parameters TNAME - Duplicates the containing template line for each template parameter and evaluates to the template parameter name (cppTemplateParameterName)
TDESCRIPTION - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
PNAME - Duplicates the containing template line for each function parameter and evaluates to the parameter name (cppFunctionParameterName)
PDESCRIPTION - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
MNAME - Duplicates the containing template line for each macro parameter and evaluates to the macro parameter name (cppMacroParameterName)
MDESCRIPTION - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
RETURN - Keeps the containing template line only if the function return type is non-void (cppFunctionReturnValue)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
This template is expanded when you invoke the Document context action on a type or type member. |
| Write to standard error stream Scope C++ statements Body Parameters END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Write to standard error stream Scope C++ statements Body Parameters END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Read from standard input stream Scope C++ statements Body Parameters END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Class declaration Scope C++ class declarations, C++ type-member declarations Body class $NAME$ {public:$END$};
Parameters NAME - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Write to standard output stream Scope C++ statements Body Parameters END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| do while loop Scope C++ statements Body do
} while ($EXPR$);
Parameters EXPR - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Enum declaration Scope C++ class declarations, C++ type-member declarations Body Parameters NAME - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| range-based for loop Scope C++ statements Body for ($TYPE$ $VARIABLE$ : $COLLECTION$)
Parameters COLLECTION - Suggests visible variable that can be enumerated (that is, used in foreach loop as collection) (enumerableVariable)
TYPE - Suggest type for a new variable declared in the template (suggestVariableType)
VARIABLE - When executed in variable declaration (where variable name should stand), suggests name for the variable. (suggestVariableName)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| for loop pattern with integer index Scope C++ statements Body for (int $INDEX$ = 0; $INDEX$ < $MAX$; ++$INDEX$)
Parameters INDEX - Suggests non-used name which can be used for an index variable at the evaluation point. (suggestIndexVariable)
MAX - no macro
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| if statement Scope C++ statements Body if ($EXPR$)
Parameters EXPR - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Include guard Scope C++ top-level declarations, at line start Body #ifndef $FILENAME$
#define $FILENAME$
Parameters FILENAME - Evaluates current file name in upper case with all non-alphanumeric replaced with underscores (getUpperCaseAlphaNumericFileName)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| main declaration Scope C++ top-level declarations Body int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Parameters END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| namespace declaration Scope C++ namespace declarations Body Parameters NAME - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| struct declaration Scope C++ class declarations, C++ type-member declarations Body Parameters NAME - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| switch statement Scope C++ statements Body switch ($EXPRESSION$) {$END$}
Parameters EXPRESSION - Suggests variables of the specified type. (variableOfType)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| try catch statement Scope C++ statements Body try
catch ($EXCEPTION$) {}
Parameters EXCEPTION - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| while statement Scope C++ statements Body while ($EXPR$)
Parameters EXPR - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.