| Reversed for Scope C++ statements Body for (int $INDEX$ = $MAX$ - 1; $INDEX$ >= 0 ; --$INDEX$)
Parameters INDEX - Suggests non-used name which can be used for an index variable at the evaluation point. (suggestIndexVariable)
MAX - no macro
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Write to standard error stream Scope C++ statements Body Parameters END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| do while loop Scope C++ statements Body do
} while ($EXPR$);
Parameters EXPR - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| range-based for loop Scope C++ statements Body for ($TYPE$ $VARIABLE$ : $COLLECTION$)
Parameters COLLECTION - Suggests visible variable that can be enumerated (that is, used in foreach loop as collection) (enumerableVariable)
TYPE - Suggest type for a new variable declared in the template (suggestVariableType)
VARIABLE - When executed in variable declaration (where variable name should stand), suggests name for the variable. (suggestVariableName)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| for loop pattern with integer index Scope C++ statements Body for (int $INDEX$ = 0; $INDEX$ < $MAX$; ++$INDEX$)
Parameters INDEX - Suggests non-used name which can be used for an index variable at the evaluation point. (suggestIndexVariable)
MAX - no macro
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| if statement Scope C++ statements Body if ($EXPR$)
Parameters EXPR - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| try catch statement Scope C++ statements Body try
catch ($EXCEPTION$) {}
Parameters EXCEPTION - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| while statement Scope C++ statements Body while ($EXPR$)
Parameters EXPR - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| static_cast expression Scope C++ expressions Body static_cast<$TYPE$>($SELECTION$)
Parameters TYPE - Guess type expected at this point (guessExpectedType)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
| dynamic_cast expression Scope C++ expressions Body dynamic_cast<$TYPE$>($SELECTION$)
Parameters TYPE - Guess type expected at this point (guessExpectedType)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
| Anonymous namespace declaration Scope C++ namespace declarations Body namespace
Parameters SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Code snippet for #if...#endif preprocessor directive Scope C++, at line start Body #if $END$
Parameters SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| const_cast expression Scope C++ expressions Body const_cast<$TYPE$>($SELECTION$)
Parameters TYPE - Guess type expected at this point (guessExpectedType)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
| reinterpret_cast expression Scope C++ expressions Body reinterpret_cast<$TYPE$>($SELECTION$)
Parameters TYPE - Guess type expected at this point (guessExpectedType)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
| C-like cast expression Scope C++ expressions Body Parameters TYPE - Guess type expected at this point (guessExpectedType)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
namespace ...
| namespace declaration Scope C++ namespace declarations Body namespace $NAME$
Parameters NAME - Evaluates to the specified constant value. (constant)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| if else statement Scope C++ statements Body if ($COND$)
Parameters COND - Suggests variables of the specified type. (variableOfType)
SELECTION - The text selected by the user before invoking the template.
END - The caret position after the template is applied.