Context actions for Visual Basic
Last modified: 02 August 2022ReSharper provides the following context actions for VB.NET:
Name | Description |
Add new argument to interpolation | Adds new argument to interpolation and converts string to interpolation if necessary |
Add new format item | Adds new format item to format string and new argument to Format method invocation For more information, see code analysis and helpers for string literals. |
Add other accessor(s) | Adds missing accessor to a property or any missing accessors to an event. |
Annotate with 'value can be null' attribute | Annotates with 'value can be null' attribute. The attribute can be configured via external annotations. For more information, see using context actions to add annotation attributes. |
Annotate with 'value cannot be null' attribute | Annotates with 'value cannot be null' attribute. The attribute can be configured via external annotations. For more information, see using context actions to add annotation attributes. |
Change member visibility | Available on an access modifier keyword and allows changing access rights of a declaration. |
Convert 'For Each' to 'For' on variable loop | Works on 'For Each' statements executed on a collection that allows direct access to its elements by index. It converts such 'For Each' statement to 'For' on variable statement. |
Convert 'Function' to 'Sub' | Converts 'Function' to 'Sub' removing 'As' clause. |
Convert 'If' statement to 'Select Case' statement | Works on 'If' statement that compares value of an expression with one or more constants. It converts such 'If' statement into a 'Select Case' statement. |
Convert iterator to method | Converts iterator to method or property with List<T> fill or array return |
Convert 'Sub' to 'Function' | Converts 'Sub' to 'Function' adding 'As' clause. |
Convert to implicitly typed local variable declaration | Converts local variable declaration to implicitly typed declaration. |
Convert to string interpolation | Converts regular string to interpolation. |
Convert to string interpolation | Converts string.Format call to string interpolation even in case that could change control flow. |
Create overload without parameter | Creates overload without given parameter. Invokes current member. |
Implement abstract member | Works on an interface member or an abstract member. Searches for classes where this member needs to be implemented and allows implementing it in one of them. |
Implement virtual member | Works on a virtual member. Searches for classes where this member can be implemented and allows implementing it in one or all of them. |
Initialize auto-property from constructor parameter | Optionally creates and initializes auto-property from constructor parameter |
Initialize field from constructor parameter | Optionally creates and initializes field from constructor parameter |
Insert inferred type arguments | Inserts method's inferred type arguments. |
Introduce variable from expression statement | Introduces variable from expression statement |
Invert 'If' statement | Inverts guard condition of an 'If' statement and swaps the branches' code accordingly. |
Iterate via 'For Each' | Works on an expression of System.ICollection type or other expression whose value can be iterated with 'foreach' statement. Generates a 'For Each' statement iterating the expression. |
Join local variable declaration and assignment | Works on an assignment to a variable that was declared without initializer. Moves the declaration to the current point and merges it with the assignment. |
Match file name with type name | Renames current file to match the name of the only top-level type declared therein. |
Merge nested 'If' statements | Merges two nested 'If' statements to a single 'If' statement that checks conjunction of the original conditions. |
Move type to another file to match its name | Moves current type to another file so that its name matches the name of the type. |
Remove format item | Removes format string item and proper formatting method argument For more information, see code analysis and helpers for string literals. |
Replace auto-property with backing field | Replaces auto-property with property that utilizes backing field. For more information, see use auto-properties |
Replace backing field with auto-property | Replaces property that utilizes backing field with auto-property. For more information, see use auto-properties |
Reverse assignment statement | Reverses source and destination parts of an assignment statement. |
Specify type in local variable declaration | Explicitly specifies type in implicitly typed local variable declaration. |
Split declaration list | Works on variable declaration statement that declares multiple variables. It splits such statement into multiple statements each declaring a single variable. |
Split local variable declaration and assignment | Moves variable initializer from declaration statement to separate assignment statement. |
Split string literal | Splits string literal into two literals. |
Splits 'If' statement to nested statements | Works on 'If' statement whose condition is conjunction ('AndAlso') of two simpler conditions. It converts such 'If' statement into two nested 'If' statements. |
Surround with format | Surrounds string with String.Format() call. |
Surround with 'With' | Surrounds block with 'With' construct. |
Use format string | Converts concatenation of a few strings and other objects to the use of string.Format method. For more information, see code analysis and helpers for string literals. |
Use string interpolation | Converts concatenation of a few strings and other objects to the use of string interpolation. |