Configure ReSharper
Out of the box, ReSharper features have default configurations, which are based on conventions and best practices in the .NET world. However, every feature can be flexibly adjusted according to your needs and preferences.
ReSharper preferences can be configured in the following places:
You can view and edit the main set of preferences in the ReSharper options dialog (ReSharper | Options).
The syntax highlighting settings and the keyboard shortcuts for specific commands can be configured in the Visual Studio Options dialog (Tools | Options).
Some project-specific properties, for example target C# version, are configured under the ReSharper property group in the Visual Studio's Properties window.
The main set of ReSharper options is saved using the mechanism of layered settings, which allows you to have different preferences for different solutions and to share the preferences with your team by keeping the desired subset of settings under a VCS. When configuring ReSharper, it is very important to understand the way the mechanism of layered settings work. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to study the Manage and share ReSharper settings topic before you make any significant changes to ReSharper settings.
In the Visual Studio menu, choose ReSharper | Options.
In the ReSharper options dialog that appears, select a node in the left pane and configure settings in the right pane.
Use the search box in the left top corner to find a specific preference.
Click Save in the Options dialog to apply the modifications and let ReSharper choose where to save them, or save the modifications to a specific settings layer using the Save To list. For more information, see manage and share resharper settings.
The detains of configuring specific ReSharper features are described in the sections related to these features, for example: Configure code inspection settings. In this section, you will learn how work with ReSharper layered settings and how to configure general ReSharper preferences: