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Third-Party Code

Last modified: 28 December 2021
ReSharper options: Code Editing | Third-Party Code

On this page, you can configure the list of C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML and JSON files, folders, and file masks to be ignored by ReSharper.

Note that when specifying files and folders, you can add only items that reside under the solution folder. To specify code outside your solution folder, use file masks.

Masks are prefixed by **\ and are matched against absolute file paths. If you want to match all files inside a folder, \** would also be required at the end of the mask. So, for example, files inside C:\Foo\Bar would be matched by Bar\** or Foo\Bar\** or C:\Foo\Bar\** (although shorter masks might match unwanted folders too).

The easiest way to check if the current file is matched by a mask is to type inside it and make sure that design-time code inspection is disabled in this file.