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Localization assistance
Last modified: 08 November 2022
When working with localizable projects, use Localization Manager to reveal all resources in your solution, find specific resources and missing cultures, create new resources and cultures, and more.
Apart from that, the most familiar editor features are also available for the internationalization of your solution when you work with resource files (.resx) and resource usages in C# and VB.NET code, as well as in ASP.NET and XAML markup.
You can disable localization assistance by clearing the Internationalization checkbox on the Environment | Products & Features page of ReSharper options (Alt+R, O).
Code inspection detects strings that can be localized, problems in resource files and more. For most of the issues, it provides one or more quick-fixes.
You can navigate between cultures up and down the culture hierarchy, from code files and from resource files. ReSharper prompts what a resource entry overrides and where it is overridden.
To find all localizable strings in your solution, set Localizable=Yes and Localizable Inspector=Pessimisticfor the relevant projects, then find any such string, which will be highlighted with curly underline. Press AltEnter on it and choose Inspection 'Element is localizable' | Find similar issues....