Starting with C# 9.0, you can create objects with the target-typed new operator without explicit type specification when the type can be inferred, that is List<string> _myList = new(); instead of List<string> _myList = new List<string>();.
Depending on the context, the optional type specification can either clutter your code with redundant information or, on the contrary, improve the readability.
This inspection controls code style preferences for object creation expressions when the created type is evident from usage, like in the following cases:
Initializers of fields/constants/properties/events private Test field = new()
Initializers of local variables when an explicit type is preferred Test local = new()
Return values of expression-bodied members public List <Test> M() => new()
Values within array initializer new Test[] { new(), new() }
Values within collection initializer new List <Test> { new(), new() }