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Change icon sets

Last modified: 24 May 2022

ReSharper provides several icon sets to match the color themes of Visual Studio. By default, icons sets are selected automatically according to the selected Visual Studio theme. However, you can choose a particular set for any theme.

The icons shipped with ReSharper can be logically divided into two groups: symbol icons and application icons.

All icons that help you identify the kind of a code symbol, so that you can easily distinguish a method Themed icon method screen gray from a property Themed icon property screen gray, belong to symbol icons sets. Several modifiers are also represented with icons and included in these sets.

Other icons which are displayed in the editor or on the toolbars in the windows belong to application icons sets. They inform you about different opportunities provided by ReSharper such as refactorings Themed icon refactor this screen gray or quick-fixes Themed icon red bulb screen gray.

Visual Studio color themes coupled with ReSharper icon sets offer additional opportunities to customize IDE according to personal preferences. Trying different options you can find the combination that is more engaging for you and set it as default. Consider the examples below:

ReSharper: examples of different color themes.