ReSharper 2023.2 Help

AI Assistant (Beta)

ReSharper options: Tools | Build | AI Assistant

On this page of ReSharper options, you can configure the integrated AI Assistant.

To start working with AI Assistant, you need to log in with your JetBrains Account.

Data sharing

Enable smart chat

When the smart chat is enabled, ReSharper can access the source code of your solution, currently opened documents, Git history, and other project-related information and share it with the JetBrains AI service to significantly improve the relevance of the AI Assistant suggestions and make it able to answer questions related to your solution. For example, when you ask the assistant to explain the selected code, it will be able to analyze usages of that code in your solution and come up with a more meaningful explanation.

Otherwise, AI Assistant will answer your questions using only the generic training data of the underlying language model.

Enable context actions

When this checkbox is selected, you can use all AI-specific context actions in the Alt+Enter menu. Otherwise, only the basic actions for sending the selection to the AI chat will be available.

Input settings

Submit with Enter

Select this option to submit your AI Assistant queries by pressing Enter and add line breaks with Shift+Enter or Ctrl+Enter.

Submit with Ctrl+Enter

Select this option to submit your AI Assistant queries by pressing Ctrl+Enter and add line breaks with Enter or Shift+Enter.

Last modified: 28 July 2023