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Inspection Severity

Last modified: 20 September 2022
ReSharper options: Code Inspection | Inspection Severity

This page of ReSharper options lists all ReSharper's code inspections grouped by languages and categories. Use this page to change the severity levels that ReSharper assigns to issues found by each inspection or disable specific inspections.

Note that this page only lists inspections that have configurable severity levels. There are also hundreds of inspections that detect compiler errors, which have fixed Error severity level and they are not shown here.

Code inspections for each language are arranged into several categories:

If the default severity level of an inspection is changed, you will see the Reset to default Themed icon undo screen gray button next to it, which allows you to reset the severity to its default value.

The same button also appears next to the category where such inspection belongs, Clicking this button next to a category will reset all inspections inside the category to their default severity levels.

Changing inspection severity in the ReSharper Options dialog