ReSharper 2023.2 Help

Postfix Templates

ReSharper options: Code Editing | Postfix Templates

This page of ReSharper options lets you configure postfix templates.

Use tabs to switch between postfix templates in specific languages and use checkboxes to enable or disable templates. Note that the same templates in different languages should be enabled/disabled individually.

At the bottom of the page, you can find the following configuration options:

Code completion

Show postfix templates

Clear this checkbox if you want to disable postfix templates in the auto-completion lists.

Show source templates

Clear this checkbox if you want to disable source templates in the auto-completion lists.

Other options

Put braces after statement templates

If this checkbox is selected, ReSharper adds braces after statement templates. For example, ReSharper will add braces after the template .if applied to myBool:

if(myBool) { }


Search for occurrences in .var template

If this checkbox is selected, ReSharper checks whether the expression, which you are introducing a variable for, has more occurrences in the current scope. If multiple occurrences, ReSharper can help you replace all of them with usages of the newly introduced variable:

ReSharper: Replace multiple occurrences

Invoke parameter info from templates

List of postfix templates





Surrounds expression with invocation



Awaits expressions of 'Task' type

await expr


Surrounds expression with cast

((SomeType) expr)


Checks boolean expression to be 'false'

if (!expr)


Introduces field for expression

_field = expr;


Iterates over collection with index

for (var i = 0; i < xs.Length; i++)


Iterates over enumerable collection

foreach (var x in expr)


Iterates over collection in reverse with index

for (var i = xs.Length-1; i >= 0; i--)


Checks boolean expression to be 'true'

if (expr)


Surrounds expression with lock block

lock (expr)


Produces instantiation expression for type

new SomeType()


Negates boolean expression



Checks expression to be not-null

if (expr != null)


Checks expression to be null

if (expr == null)


Parenthesizes current expression



Parses string as value of some type



Introduces property for expression

Property = expr;


Returns expression from current function

return expr;


Selects expression in editor

|selected + expression|


Produces switch statement

switch (expr)


Throws expression of 'Exception' type

throw expr;


Assigns current expression to some variable

lvalue = expr;


Parses string as value of some type

int.TryParse(expr, out value)


Wraps type usage with typeof() expression



Wraps resource with using statement

using (expr)


Introduces variable for expression

var x = expr;


Iterating while boolean statement is 'true'

while (expr)


Yields value from iterator method

yield return expr;





Checks boolean expression to be 'false'

if (!expr)


Iterates over an iterable object

for (let x of expr)


Checks boolean expression to be 'true'

if (expr)


Checks expression to be not-null

if (expr !== null)


Checks expression to be not-undefined

if (expr !== undefined)


Checks expression to be null

if (expr === null)


Returns expression from current function

return expr;


Checks expression to be undefined

if (expr === undefined)


Introduces variable for expression

var x = expr;





Checks boolean expression to be 'false'

if (!expr)


Iterates over an iterable object

for (let x of expr)


Checks boolean expression to be 'true'

if (expr)


Checks instance of expression

if (x instanceof Class)


Checks expression to be not-null

if (expr !== null)


Checks expression to be not-undefined

if (expr !== undefined)


Checks expression to be null

if (expr === null)


Returns expression from current function

return expr;


Checks type of expression

if (typeof x === 'string')


Checks expression to be undefined

if (expr === undefined)


Introduces variable for expression

let x = expr;





Produces iterators from range

sort(range.begin(), range.end())


Surrounds expression with UE cast



Produces iterators from range

is_sorted(range.cbegin(), range.cend())


Passes expression as argument to co_await

co_await expr


Returns expression from current coroutine

co_return expr;


Passes expression as argument to co_yield

co_yield expr


Surrounds expression with const_cast

const_cast<SomeType &>(expr)


Iterating until boolean expression becomes 'false'

do { } while (expr);


Surrounds expression with dynamic_cast

dynamic_cast<SomeType &>(expr)


Checks boolean expression to be 'false'

if (!expr)


Iterates over range

for (auto && x : range)


Forwards function parameter



Checks boolean expression to be 'true'

if (expr)


Constructs an object and wraps it in a std::shared_ptr



Constructs an object and wraps it in a std::unique_ptr



Produces instantiation expression for type

new SomeType()


Surrounds expression with reinterpret_cast

reinterpret_cast<SomeType &>(expr)


Returns expression from current function

return expr;


Surrounds expression with safe_cast (C++/CLI)



Surrounds expression with static_cast



Produces switch over integral/enum type

switch (expr)


Introduces variable for expression

auto x = expr;


Iterating while boolean expression is 'true'

while (expr)

Last modified: 24 January 2022