| Current file context Scope Everywhere Body Parameters CTX - Provides a list of items describing current context. This includes file name, containing type name, namespace name, etc.
| Insert new GUID Scope Everywhere Body Parameters GUID - Generates a new Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
Unity CreateAssetMenu attribute Scope C# 2.0+ types and namespaces, Unity C# file Body [UnityEngine.CreateAssetMenu(fileName = $FILENAME$, menuName = $MENUNAME$, order = $ORDER$)]
Parameters FILENAME - Shows basic code completion list at the point where the variable is evaluated
MENUNAME - Shows basic code completion list at the point where the variable is evaluated
ORDER - Shows basic code completion list at the point where the variable is evaluated
| Unity log warning Scope C# 2.0+ statements, Unity C# file Body UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning($VAR$);
Parameters VAR - Shows basic code completion list at the point where the variable is evaluated
| Unity log exception Scope C# 2.0+ statements, Unity C# file Body UnityEngine.Debug.LogException($VAR$);
Parameters VAR - Shows basic code completion list at the point where the variable is evaluated
Unity menu item handler Scope C# 2.0+ type members, Unity C# file Body [UnityEditor.MenuItem($MENUNAME$)]
public static void $NAME$()
Parameters MENUNAME - Shows basic code completion list at the point where the variable is evaluated
NAME - Shows basic code completion list at the point where the variable is evaluated
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Unity serialized field Scope C# 2.0+ type members, Unity serializable type members Body [UnityEngine.SerializeField] private $TYPE$ $NAME$;$END$
Parameters TYPE - no macro
NAME - When executed in a variable declaration (where variable name should stand), suggests a name for the variable
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Unity log error Scope C# 2.0+ statements, Unity C# file Body UnityEngine.Debug.LogError($VAR$);
Parameters VAR - Shows basic code completion list at the point where the variable is evaluated
| Unity log object/message Scope C# 2.0+ statements, Unity C# file Body UnityEngine.Debug.Log($VAR$);
Parameters VAR - Shows basic code completion list at the point where the variable is evaluated
| Unity RequireComponent attribute Scope C# 2.0+ types and namespaces, Unity C# file Body [UnityEngine.RequireComponent(typeof($TYPE$))]
Parameters TYPE - Shows basic code completion list at the point where the variable is evaluated
| Unity property with serialized backing field Scope C# 2.0+ type members, Unity serializable type members Body [UnityEngine.SerializeField] private $type$ $fieldName$;
public $type$ $propertyName$ { get { return this.$fieldName$; } }$END$
Parameters type - no macro
propertyName - When executed in a variable declaration (where variable name should stand), suggests a name for the variable
fieldName - Decapitalizes string value (i.e. changes the case of the first letter to lowercase)
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Unity coroutine method Scope C# 2.0+ type members, Unity C# file Body private System.Collections.IEnumerator $NAME$()
$END$yield break;
Parameters NAME - no macro
END - The caret position after the template is applied.
| Unity log variable Scope C# 2.0+ statements, Unity C# file Body UnityEngine.Debug.Log("$VAR$ = " + $VAR$);
Parameters VAR - Shows basic code completion list at the point where the variable is evaluated