ReSharper 2024.1 Help

Disk Cleanup

ReSharper options: Environment | Disk Cleanup

This settings page lists path templates for temporary files and helps clean up these locations.


The table lists locations of temporary files that are monitored by ReSharper. The locations where ReSharper saves its caches and logs, as well as other known locations of temporary files are added to the list by default. You can add more locations according to your development setup.

Table entries have the following fields:

Path template

Specify a file mask that matches a specific set of temporary files.

You can use Ant-style wildcards in file masks:

  • ? to match a single character excluding directory separators

  • * to match zero or more characters excluding directory separators

  • ** to match any number of characters including directory separators

  • / or \ to match directory separators regardless of the OS path format

For example a pattern **Test?\**.* will match the following files:

  • C:\Projects\MyTestX\data\file_one.txt

  • /home/projects/TestY/file_two.xml

But not:

  • C:\Projects\Test\data\file_one.txt

  • /home/projects/TestY/file_two

If you are sharing solution settings, be careful not to save absolute paths to a shared settings layer.

Outdated after

Set the number of days after which a file matched by the path template is considered outdated since its last modification.

Space occupied

This field calculates and shows the total size of all files matched by the path template, and the aggregated size of all files considered outdated in this set.


Specify an arbitrary description for the set of files matched by the path template.

Manual cleanup

Use buttons in this section to clean up listed locations immediately.

Clean Up Selected

Click this button to delete files that are considered outdated in the location selected in the table.

Delete All in Selected

Click this button to delete all files and folders in the location selected in the table.

Clean Up All

Click this button to delete files that are considered outdated in all locations listed in the table.

Delete All

Click this button to delete all files and folders in all locations listed in the table.

Scheduled cleanup

In this section, you can enable or disable automatic cleanup of outdated temporary files and specify the time interval in days between scheduled launches of the cleanup.

Last modified: 11 February 2024