This functionality relies on the AI Assistant, which requires a separate license.
You can start interacting with the AI Assistant right from the editor — press AltEnter and choose one of the actions in the AI Assistant submenu. Depending on the context, the following actions are available:
Selection in the editor: You can choose Send to chat or Send to new chat to use the selected code as a part of your query.
Caret at a class declaration: You can choose Explain this and Write XML documentation. Both actions will create a new chat in the AI Assistant window and produce the relevant output.
Caret at a method declaration: You can additionally choose Find issues in. ReSharper will list all potential issues in the method in a new chat in the AI Assistant window.
Caret at an empty method declaration: You can additionally choose Implement this. ReSharper will generate a method implementation taking into account its name and parameters.
Here is an example of using AI Assistant on an empty method:
After choosing this action, ReSharper creates a new AI chat and generates an implementation:
AI Assistant does not make any changes in the editor. When you use actions that produce requested source code, such as Write XML documentation and Implement this, the desired content is created in the AI Assistant window, and you need to copy it from there.