ReSharper 2024.2 Help

Presentation options for compiled code

Depending on the settings, on the availability of PDB information, and on the applied navigation command, ReSharper can present compiled code in the editor in different ways:

  • Metadata view — this view only shows signature of the type and signatures of all its members. You can also display this view by applying the Navigate To: Metadata View command from the editor or from the Assembly Explorer window.

  • Decompiled code — this view displays decompiled C# code corresponding to the type that you open or navigate to. This view is used by default if no debug information is available for the type or if you deliberately navigated to this view using the Navigate To: Decompiled Sources command.

  • Code from symbol files — this view displays original source code from symbol files in C# or VB.NET. ReSharper retrieves symbol files either from local sources or from symbol servers using debug information.

To configure how the decompiled code is presented in the editor, use the following checkboxes on the Tools | External Sources page of ReSharper options Alt+R, O:

Use sources from symbol files when available

Select this checkbox to use debug information (PDB files) to find appropriate source files and use them to display and navigate the code.

If this checkbox is selected and the source files are available via the debug information, ReSharper displays and navigates to the original source code .

If this checkbox is cleared or if source files are not available, ReSharper decompiles the code or shows the metadata view depending on the Decompile methods option .

Allow downloading from remote locations

Select this checkbox to enable downloading sources from Symbol Server or other remote locations. If symbol files are available both locally and remotely, ReSharper will display local symbol files.

Decompile methods

Select this checkbox to decompile method bodies to C# code. If this checkbox is not selected, a metadata view with method signatures will be shown.

This option doesn't have any effect if Use sources from symbol files when available option is selected and the required symbol files are available.

To view the summary and the presentation mode of an opened document, right-click its tab header and choose External Source Information in the context menu. In the dialog that appears, you can learn name and location of the assembly where the document belongs as well as the external source provider - metadata viewer, decompiler or symbol server.

Last modified: 15 May 2024