ReSharper 2024.2 Help

What's new in ReSharper 2024.2

  • Initial support of C# 13.

  • A number of improvements of AI Assistant, including AI code completion, exception explanation, and custom global prompt.

  • Ability to change the user interface language to Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.

  • Inlay hints for closing braces.

  • Add/Remove params modifier refactoring.

  • Preview of different cultures for ToString() format specifiers.

  • Integrated decompiler improvements:

    • Decompiler: default and params lambda parameters (C#12: Lambda optional and parameter-array parameters)

    • Decompiler: attributes on lambdas

    • Ability to decompile protected assemblies and ignore the [SuppressIldasm] attribute

    • Support of PDBs containing both SrcSrv and SourceLink

    • Get preprocessor directives (like NET6_0_OR_GREATER) for external source files from the target framework of associated assembly or from Portable PDB of associated assembly

    • Assembly Explorer: assembly build configuration detection and presentation

    • Ability to open the source code of the corresponding repository in the Web browser, for example, on GitHub.

  • New features in C++:

    • C++23 support: multidimensional subscript operator, the #elifdef and #elifndef C++23/C23 preprocessor directives, and the [[assume(<expr>)]] attribute.

    • Unreal Engine: support for struct traits, inspections for usages of IOnlineSubsystem::Get () and missing calls to base methods.

    • Type layout in quick info tooltips.

    • Improvements to the Rename refactoring.

    • Support for include-what-you-use pragmas.

    • The bundled Clang-Tidy binary has been updated to Clang 18.

New code inspections in 2024.2

New inspections in C#

New inspections in VB.NET

New inspections in Razor

  • Unknown HTML tag, may be a component

New inspections in C++

Last modified: 13 August 2024