ReSharper's unit test runner does not allow running two or more tests with the same ID. This rarely happens in practice, but if you do have tests with the same ID, they will appear as a single node in the Unit Tests explorer and Unit Test Sessions window, and only one of them will run.
Note that test frameworks identify tests in different ways. For example, MSTest uses test-methods FQNs but NUnit uses properties of test attributes as test IDs.
If you have dotUltimate license, you can profile memory usage of your application with JetBrains dotMemory. You can also check your code for all kinds of memory issues right from your unit tests using JetBrains dotMemory Unit.
When dotMemory is enabled, the Reference dotMemory Unit Framework command appears together with Run Unit TestsCtrl0U,0R/ Debug Unit TestsCtrl0U,0D commands in the editor, in the Solution Explorer, as well as on the toolbar of the Unit Test Sessions window. You can use this command to automatically install the JetBrains.DotMemoryUnit NuGet package and reference it in your unit test project.
Even without dotMemory, you can manually install the JetBrains.DotMemoryUnit NuGet package and reference it in your unit test project.
As soon as you reference the dotMemory Unit Testing Framework, ReSharper will add Run under dotMemory UnitCtrl0U,0M to other unit testing actions, so that you will be able to make your unit tests pass or fail depending on memory traffic, presence of specific objects in memory, and other factors. For more information, refer to Unit Testing and Memory Profiling: Can They Be Combined?
You can disable dotMemory by clearing the dotMemory checkbox on the Environment | Products & Features page of ReSharper options Alt+R, O.