ReSharper 2024.2 Help

Move classes into separate files in one go

You have probably seen that ReSharper offers you the option to move a type into a corresponding file. But did you know that you can move several types into correspondingly named files in one go? For example, say you have a single file with the types Apple, Orange and Plum, defined as follows:

namespace MyLibrary { public class Apple { } public class Orange { } public class Plum { } }

What I can do to separate these is press Control+Shift+R on the containing project in the Solution Explorer and choose Move Types Into Matching Files:

Moving types into separate files in one go

ReSharper then asks which elements should be moved into separate files:

Moving types into separate files in one go

Once you press Next, the types will be separated into correspondingly named files:

Moving types into separate files in one go
Last modified: 11 February 2024