ReSharper 2024.2 Help

Typing Assistance

ReSharper options: Code Editing | JSON | Typing Assistance

On this page, you can disable JSON typing assistance features. You may need this if symbols like colon : and comma , are used in keys or values in your JSON documents.

Auto-fix colon to go outside quotes of JSON key

By default, ReSharper smartly completes your JSON keys when you type the colon : symbol. For example, as soon as you type colon here "someKey: ReSharper converts it to "someKey" : so that you could quickly start typing a value.

You may want to clear this checkbox if colon : is a part of the key name in your JSON.

Auto-fix comma to go outside quotes of JSON value

By default, ReSharper smartly completes your JSON values when you type the comma , symbol. For example, as soon as you type comma here "someValue," ReSharper converts it to "someValue", so that you could quickly start typing other values.

You may want to clear this checkbox if comma , is a part of a value name in your JSON.

Last modified: 11 February 2024