ReSharper 2024.2 Help

Predefined File Templates for VB.NET

This topic lists all predefined file templates for VB.NET in ReSharper 2024.2. For more information about file templates, refer to Create files from templates.




Create a new file in the current project containing an empty VB.NET Class.

Scope VB.NET projects


Public Class $CLASS$ $END$ End Class


  • CLASS - Evaluates to the current file name without extension and with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with underscores

  • NAMESPACE - Evaluates to the default namespace for the current file

  • END - The caret position after the template is applied.


Create a new file in the current project containing an empty VB.NET Interface.

Scope VB.NET projects


Public Interface $INTERFACE$ $END$ End Interface


  • INTERFACE - Evaluates to the current file name without extension and with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with underscores

  • NAMESPACE - Evaluates to the default namespace for the current file

  • END - The caret position after the template is applied.


Create a new file in the current project containing an empty VB.NET Structure.

Scope VB.NET projects


Public Structure $STRUCTURE$ $END$ End Structure


  • STRUCTURE - Evaluates to the current file name without extension and with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with underscores

  • NAMESPACE - Evaluates to the default namespace for the current file

  • END - The caret position after the template is applied.


Create a new file in the current project containing an empty VB.NET Module.

Scope VB.NET projects


Public Module $MODULE$ $END$ End Module


  • MODULE - Evaluates to the current file name without extension and with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with underscores

  • NAMESPACE - Evaluates to the default namespace for the current file

  • END - The caret position after the template is applied.


Create a new file in the current project containing an empty VB.NET Enum.

Scope VB.NET projects


Public Enum $ENUM$ $END$ End Enum


  • ENUM - Evaluates to the current file name without extension and with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with underscores

  • NAMESPACE - Evaluates to the default namespace for the current file

  • END - The caret position after the template is applied.

MSTest Test Class

MSTest Test Class

Scope VB.NET projects, MSTest Test Project


Namespace $NAMESPACE$ <Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestClass> Public Class $CLASS$ $END$ End Class End Namespace


  • CLASS - Evaluates to the current file name without extension and with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with underscores

  • NAMESPACE - Evaluates to the default namespace for the current file

  • END - The caret position after the template is applied.

NUnit 3x Test Fixture

NUnit 3x Test Fixture

Scope VB.NET projects, NUnit 3x-4x Test Project


Namespace $NAMESPACE$ <NUnit.Framework.TestFixture> Public Class $CLASS$ $END$ End Class End Namespace


  • CLASS - Evaluates to the current file name without extension and with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with underscores

  • NAMESPACE - Evaluates to the default namespace for the current file

  • END - The caret position after the template is applied.

NUnit 2x Test Fixture

NUnit 2x Test Fixture

Scope VB.NET projects, NUnit 2x Test Project


Namespace $NAMESPACE$ <NUnit.Framework.TestFixture> Public Class $CLASS$ $END$ End Class End Namespace


  • CLASS - Evaluates to the current file name without extension and with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with underscores

  • NAMESPACE - Evaluates to the default namespace for the current file

  • END - The caret position after the template is applied.

xUnit Test Class

xUnit Test Class

Scope VB.NET projects, xUnit Test Project


Namespace $NAMESPACE$ Public Class $CLASS$ $END$ End Class End Namespace


  • CLASS - Evaluates to the current file name without extension and with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with underscores

  • NAMESPACE - Evaluates to the default namespace for the current file

  • END - The caret position after the template is applied.

Last modified: 18 August 2024