ReSharper 2024.2 Help

Inlay Hints. Virtual Indenting

ReSharper options: Environment | Inlay Hints | Virtual Indenting

On this page of ReSharper options, you can configure the behavior of virtual formatter.

Fix alignment for Inlay Hints

When inlay hints are enabled, you can use this option to align multiline statements by actual code rather than by hints. For example:

The option is disabled:

ReSharper: Fix alignment for Inlay Hints. Disabled

The option is enabled:

ReSharper: Fix alignment for Inlay Hints. Enabled

Enable Virtual Formatter

Enables Virtual Formatter that displays the source code in the editor according to your formatting preferences without actually changing its formatting.

Show real whitespaces on top of virtual ones

Use this selector to visualize real whitespaces used in the source code.

When set to Always or When the caret is near, whitespaces affected by the Virtual Formatter are visualized with dots. In the illustration below, the code is indented with 2 whitespaces and Virtual Formatter indent is set to 6 whitespaces:

ReSharper: Virtual Formatter with visualized whitespaces

Use dedicated Virtual Formatter settings

If this checkbox is selected, Virtual Formatter will use settings defined on the Code Editing | C# | Virtual Formatting Style | Tabs, Indents, Alignment and Code Editing | C# | Virtual Formatting Style | Braces Layout options pages. Otherwise, general formatter settings will be applied.

You may want to use this option if you are working on the solution in a team, and general formatting settings are taken from the team-shared settings layer or from EditorConfig. In this case, you can configure Virtual Formatter settings to your liking without affecting the team-shared settings.

Last modified: 30 July 2024