Code inspection: '?:' expression has identical true and false branchesLast modified: 11 February 2024Category: Potential Code Quality IssuesID: ConditionalTernaryEqualBranchEditorConfig: resharper_conditional_ternary_equal_branch_highlighting=[error|warning|suggestion|hint|none]Default severity: WarningLanguage: C#, VB.NET, JavaScriptRequires SWA: NotipYou can suppress this inspection to ignore specific issues, change its severity level to make the issues less or more noticeable, or disable it altogether.This one’s fairly obvious. The following expression:C#VB.NETreturn condition ? result : result;Return If(condition, result, result)is identical to the followingC#VB.NETreturn result;Return resultsince the condition does not affect what is being returned.