To assign a shortcut, go to Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard and find the ReSharper_GotoText command.
Ctrl0N 3 times
Press Ctrl0N subsequently to iterate between 'Search Everywhere', 'Go to Type', and 'Go to Text' commands.
This navigation command lets you quickly find and navigate to any textual matches in your solution. Besides files of supported languages, the matching items will be found in files of any textual format. This command generally works much faster than Visual Studio's native Find in Files command, but as a downside, it does not support regular expressions.
By default, navigation to text is integrated into Search EverywhereCtrl0N — ReSharper will show textual occurrences matching the query string at the bottom of the result list, after all matching types, symbols, and files. You can disable this behavior by clearing Integrate Go to Text into Search Everywhere on the Environment | Search & Navigation page of ReSharper options .
You can exclude files, folders, and file masks from navigation results. To do so, specify these items in the Elements to skip section on the Environment | Search & Navigation page of ReSharper options Alt+R, O.
If you do not like this command's default shortcut (3xCtrl0N), you can change it in Visual Studio options: go to Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard, find ReSharper_GotoText command in the list and assign a desired shortcut to it.
Navigate to a text occurrence in code and textual files
Press Ctrl0N 3 times or choose ReSharper | Navigate | Go to Text… from the main menu.
In the Find text popup that appears, start typing text you want to find. As you type, the lookup list narrows down, suggesting entries that match the entered text.
If you have navigated with this command during your current Visual Studio session, the last 10 strings you used for search appear in the list while the search field is empty.
If some text is selected in the editor or copied to the clipboard from Visual Studio, it appears in the search field.
By default, the text field is case-insensitive here. If necessary, click Match case to make the search case-sensitive.
Optionally, you can type the following filters before or after the search query:
/ext: - to limit the search to files with specific extension, for example, /ext:cs
/fm: - to limit the search to files matching specific mask, for example, /fm:I*.cs
/cp - to limit the search to files in the current project.
/. - to limit the search to files in the current folder.
Do one of the following:
Click the desired item to open it in the editor.
Select the desired item by pressing Up and Down and then press Enter to open it in the editor.
To view and analyze the list of matched items in the Find Results window, click Show in Find Results, press Shift+Enter or + on the numeric keypad .
The selected search result can be opened either in the normal editor tab or in the Preview tab. To always open the results in the Preview tab, select Open new files in preview tab from everywhere on the Environment | Search & Navigation page of ReSharper options and make sure that it is also enabled in Visual Studio options.
ReSharper can remember the last input that you used to find something with Search Everywhere/Go to Type, Go to Symbol, Go To File, and Go to Text actions. To enable or disable this behavior, use the Remember last search checkbox on the Environment | Search and Navigation page of ReSharper options. When this option is selected, ReSharper will also use your current selection in the editor as the initial search query.
Fuzzy search
By default, ReSharper enables fuzzy search, so that it takes into account various typos and missing words.
Fuzzy search results are displayed in a separate section of the result set:
Since Go to Text searches all text, you can also search source code with it — even if your search is not an exact match:
Fuzzy search also helps looking for strings that contain format specifiers or use string interpolation:
If you want only direct matches in the search results, you can disable fuzzy search by clearing the Fuzzy results in Go to Text checkbox on the Environment | Search & Navigation page of ReSharper options Alt+R, O.
Whenever collecting items to match the entered string takes significant time, ReSharper displays an hourglass icon to the right of your search string. Substantial delays are to be expected when performing search before ReSharper processes the solution completely.
This feature is supported in the following languages and technologies:
The instructions and examples given here address the use of the feature in C#. For more information about other languages, refer to corresponding topics in the Languages and frameworks section.