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Braces Layout

Last modified: 14 November 2024
ReSharper options: Code Editing | C/C++ | Formatting Style | Braces Layout

Use this page to adjust the way ReSharper arranges braces when it generates new and reformats existing code; in particular, there are several ways to position braces after if or for operators.

For every item, there is a preview pane in the bottom part of the page where you can observe changes after tweaking specific preferences.

If there are .editorconfig, .clang-format, or _clang-format files that affect your solution, preferences on this page could be overridden by EditorConfig styles or Clang-Format styles. You will see a yellow warning if at least one preference on the page is overridden by EditorConfig or Clang-Format styles for the current file, each overridden preference will also be highlighted with yellow. For example:

Code formatting options overridden by EditorConfig styles