Gold Files
ReSharper's test framework typically takes an input file, adds it as source file to an in-memory project, runs a process on it, such as inspections or code completion, and records the output in a temporary text file. This .tmp
file is then compared to a .gold
file, which contains the expected output. If they match, the test passes. If they don't, the test fails.
The input file typically lives in the same folder under the test\data
folder as the .gold
file. The input file and the gold file should both be committed to source control. The .tmp
file should not be committed, as it represents a failing test.
The contents of the gold file depends very much on the test. For example, gold files for code completion tests will be a list of items in the code completion list, while inspections will be a copy of the source file annotated with location and text of highlights. Details of the contents of gold files can be found throughout this guide, in the specific sections on testing a particular feature.
The input file typically lives in the same test\data
sub-folder as the .gold
file. Exactly what the input file is depends on the test, but mostly, it is a source file, such as .cs
, .js
, .html
, etc. However, it can also be a compiled assembly, i.e. a .dll
Depending on the type of the file, it can be handled in different ways. It can be added as a source file to the in-memory project that the test environment creates, and the test will run some process over that file, such as running inspections, or invoking code completion. An assembly could be added as a reference to the in-memory project, and the test might perform metadata analysis (like Reflection) or decompilation, and put the output of that process to the .tmp
TODO Document the default special tokens
To initially make a test pass, a known good gold file is required. The easiest way to create this is to run the test without a .gold
file - which will cause it to fail. The resulting .tmp
file should then be manually examined to see if it is the correct output for the test. If it is, it should be renamed to .gold
When a test fails, ReSharper's test framework adds extra information into the Data
dictionary of the exception that the failing test throws. This data provides extra context about the test, and is rendered as part of the test failure message in the unit test runner. The following fields are added:
| Field name | Contents |------------------|------|GoldFile
| The path to the .gold
file. This is rendered as a clickable file://
url that will open Windows Explorer with the .gold
file selected. | TempFile
| The path to the .tmp
file. This is rendered as a clickable file://
url that will open Windows Explorer with the .tmp
file selected. | Cmd
| A clickable file://
url that will open a command prompt to the test\data
sub-folder that contains the .gold
or .tmp
file. | Directory
| A plain text string that contains the sub-folder under test\data
that contains the .gold
or .tmp
file. | Diff
| A diff between the .gold
and .tmp
files. | CopyToGold
| A clickable file://
url that will execute a .bat
file that's been created in the %TEMP%
folder. The batch file will copy the .tmp
file to the .gold
file. This field is added when the .gold
file doesn't already exist. | UpdateGold
| A clickable file://
url that will execute a .bat
file that's been created in the %TEMP%
folder. The batch file will copy the .tmp
file over an existing .gold
file. This should be used only once the differences between the existing .gold
and the .tmp
file have been examined and found to be correct. | ComparisonFile
| A clickable file://
url that will execute a .bat
file that's been created in the %TEMP%
folder. This batch file will open a visual diff tool to show the differences between the .tmp
file and the .gold
file. See below for more details. | GoldLine
| Can contain the first line of the .gold
file that does not match against a new .tmp
file. This is only used by certain tests. | TestLine
| Can contain the first line of the .tmp
file that does not match against a .gold
file. This is only used by certain tests. | LineNumber
| Can contain the line number of the first line in both the .tmp
and .gold
file that does not match. This is only used by certain tests.
Failures create
files in the%TEMP%
folder that will update
file, or run a visual diff tool. These.bat
files are not cleaned up automatically (as the test run has already finished and the.bat
files are used when browsing results). The%TEMP%
folder should be manually cleaned up from time to time.
When a test fails, the ComparisonFile
field is added to the failing test's exception's Data
dictionary. This field contains a clickable file://
url that will execute a .bat
file that's been saved in the %TEMP%
folder. This batch file is as follows:
if not defined DIFF SET DIFF=kdiff3
if not defined DIFF_PARAMETERS SET DIFF_PARAMETERS= --L1 '$plabel1' --L2 '$clabel' $parent $child
set DIFF_PARAMETERS=%DIFF_PARAMETERS:$plabel1=Input.cs.tmp%
set DIFF_PARAMETERS=%DIFF_PARAMETERS:$parent="C:\Users\matt\Code\MyPlugin\test\data\Completion\Input.cs.tmp"%
set DIFF_PARAMETERS=%DIFF_PARAMETERS:$child="C:\Users\matt\Code\MyPlugin\test\data\Completion\"%
start /B "" "%DIFF%" %DIFF_PARAMETERS%
By default, it will launch the KDiff3 diff tool, passing in the parameters to display the .tmp
and .gold
files side by side. This can be overridden by defining the %DIFF%
environment variables.
The %DIFF%
environment variable should be defined to the command needed to start the diff tool. This can be a fully qualified path, or just the executable name if it's already on the path.
environment variable specifies the command line for the diff tool. The batch file will substitute the .temp
and .gold
names and full file paths for specific placeholders:
| Placeholder | Value |-------------|---|$plabel1
| File name of the .tmp
file. | $clabel
| File name of the .gold
file. | $parent
| Full path to the .tmp
file. | $child
| Full path to the .gold
For example, to use SourceGear DiffMerge as the diff tool, you can set:
Environment variable | Value |
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