ReSharper Platform SDK Help


Icons make it easy to find and explore features in ReSharper and Rider. They can appear in buttons that execute actions, in navigation to differentiate between members, in the gutter to highlight source code, or as various indicators to visualize results (unit testing, solution-wide analysis).

Typically, icons come in different colors and tones to match the user-selected theme (light, dark, etc.). You can change the theme:


Menu Path


Options | Environment | General | User Interface | Application icons theme


Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance | Theme

Visual Studio

Options | Environment | General | Color Theme

Themed Icons

The SDK comes with an extensive set of icons that are probably already familiar to you.

You can browse the library in ReSharper's internal mode (devenv.exe /ReSharper.Internal) by navigating to ReSharper | Internal | Windows | Themed Icon Viewer:

Themed Icon Viewer

On the right-hand side, you can see the name of the icon as well as the icon pack it belongs to (here AddMissing and CommonThemedIcons). Those names should be enough to reference them in your code through code-completion. Each icon is contained in its own class under the *ThemedIcons icon pack class. Depending on the way the SDK is asking for an icon, you can pass them as:

  • typeof(MyPluginThemedIcons.Icon) or

  • MyPluginThemedIcons.Icon.Id

Custom Compiled Icons

Similar to the icons that come out-of-the-box, you can add your own icons as compiled icons. Although compiled icons can also be generated from PNGs, it is highly recommended to use SVGs, as they'll render without any issues on all resolutions.

Prepare SVG for Conversion

SVG is a very rich format, but ReSharper can only create compiled icons from so-called optimized SVGs. Once you have your SVG, you can optimize it using the latest version of Inkscape.

Open the SVG, select File | Save As..., choose Optimized SVG, and enable the following options after hitting Save:

  • Options

    • Shorten color values

    • Convert CSS attributes to XML attributes

  • SVG Output

    • Remove the XML declaration

    • Remove metadata

    • Remove comments

  • IDs

    • Remove unused IDs

Prepare for different Themes

If your icons should adapt to different themes, you must provide multiple files with a theme-selector next to each other:

  • <name>[Color].svg – corresponds to light themes

  • <name>[GrayDark].svg – corresponds to dark themes

Export Compiled Icons

Once your SVG icons are prepared and located in a common directory:

  1. Open the Themed Icon Viewer

  2. Choose Add Pane | Directory with Icon Files

  3. Select all icons you want to export

  4. Choose Export | Export C# Code – SVG Body

A file with the compiled icons should open. You can rename any of the icon classes, the icon pack class, or move them to another namespace.

Rider Icons

Icons that only surface in Rider (e.g., for run configurations or tool windows) are handled through the IntelliJ SDK. The equivalent of exporting compiled icons is to create a MyPluginThemedIcons.kt as follows:

package icons import com.intellij.openapi.util.IconLoader // Feel free to rename object MyPluginThemedIcons { @JvmField val Icon = IconLoader.getIcon("/resharper/MyPlugin/Icon.svg", javaClass) }

The MyPluginThemedIcons.kt and your SVG icons should be located as follows:

src/rider/main ├── kotlin/icons │ └── MyPluginThemedIcons.kt └── resources └── resharper └── MyPlugin # pack name with 'ThemedIcons' trimmed ├── <Icon>.svg └── <Icon_Dark.svg
Last modified: 04 July 2023