ReSharper Platform SDK Help

Text Buffers

Lexers process a block of text to produce a sequence of tokens. ReSharper provides the IBuffer interface to abstract accessing this text block:

public interface IBuffer { int Length { get; } char this[int index] { get; } string GetText(); string GetText(TextRange range); void AppendTextTo(StringBuilder builder, TextRange range); void CopyTo(int sourceIndex, char[] destinationArray, int destinationIndex, int length); }

The GetText(TextRange) method will return a string from a range within the buffer. See below for details on TextRange.

The AppendTextTo and CopyTo will append the text in the buffer to the given StringBuilder and copy to the given char array, respectively.


ReSharper provides several implementations of IBuffer. The most interesting are:

  • StringBuffer - a simple implementation backed by a string. Also provides StringBuffer.Empty to represent a buffer over an empty string.

  • StringBuilderBuffer - a simple implementation backed by a StringBuilder. Also provides StringBuilderBuffer.Empty to represent a buffer over an empty StringBuilder.

  • ProjectedBuffer - projects an implementation of IBuffer onto a TextRange of an existing buffer.

  • AggregatedBuffer - implements IBuffer on top of an array of other IBuffer implementations. The buffers are assumed to be in the correct order, with no gaps between the end of one buffer and the start of another.

  • ArrayBuffer - similar to StringBuffer, in that the data comes from a string, either passed directly to the constructor, or via IBuffer, where the constructor calls IBuffer.GetText(). This class also implements the IEditableBuffer interface, which allows modifying the text buffer, internally using a char[] to hold the new buffer.

Text range

IBuffer uses TextRange to specify the start and end offset of a range within a text document. The start offset is inclusive, while the end offset is not. For example, given the string "Hello world", the range new TextRange(0, 5) would give the text "Hello". The character at the start index is included, but the character at the end index isn't.

The TextRange struct is immutable, and has many useful methods for creating a new TextRange, such as ExtendLeft and ExtendRight to increase the range before the start offset and after the start offset respectively. It also implements IEquatable<TextRange> and the == and != operators, so it can be compared to other TextRange instances.

public struct TextRange : IEquatable<TextRange> { // Should be replaced with Nullable<TextRange> wherever possible public static readonly TextRange InvalidRange = new TextRange(-1, -1); public TextRange(int startOffset, int endOffset); public TextRange(int offset); // Based on a string such as (0, 10) public static TextRange Parse(string s); public static TextRange FromLength(int offset, int length); public static TextRange FromLength(int length); public static TextRange FromUnorderedOffsets(int one, int onemore); public int StartOffset { get; } public int EndOffset { get; } public int Length { get; } public bool IsEmpty { get; } // Should be replaced with Nullable<TextRange> wherever possible. public bool IsValid { get; } public int GetMinOffset(); public int GetMaxOffset(); public bool ContainedIn(TextRange textRange); public bool StrictContainedIn(TextRange textRange); public bool Contains(TextRange textRange); public bool Contains(int offset); public bool ContainsCharIndex(int charindex); // Return new instances public TextRange SetStartTo(int offset); public TextRange SetEndTo(int offset); // Get the leftmost or rightmost portion of the range public TextRange Left(int length); public TextRange Right(int length); // Remove the length from the left (start) or right (end) of the range public TextRange TrimLeft(int length); public TextRange TrimRight(int length); // Extend the range to the left (decrease start offset) or right (increase end offset) public TextRange ExtendLeft(int offset); public TextRange ExtendRight(int length); // Move the range to the right (positive delta) or the left (negative delta) public TextRange Shift(int delta); // Create a new range that covers both ranges public TextRange Join(TextRange textRange); // Extend the range to cover the left (start) or right (end) of both ranges public TextRange JoinLeft(TextRange textRange); public TextRange JoinRight(TextRange textRange); public bool Intersects(TextRange textRange); public bool StrictIntersects(TextRange textRange); public TextRange Intersect(TextRange textRange); [Conditional("JET_MODE_ASSERT")] public void AssertValid(); [Conditional("JET_MODE_ASSERT")] public void AssertNormalized(); [Conditional("JET_MODE_ASSERT")] public void AssertContainedIn(TextRange rangeContainer); public bool IsNormalized { get; } // Returns a normalized range public TextRange Normalized(); { return IsValid ? new TextRange(GetMinOffset(), GetMaxOffset()) : InvalidRange; } public int DistanceTo(int offset); public bool IsLeftTo(int offset); public TextRange UpdateRange(int changeStartOffset, int oldLength, int newLength, bool greedyToLeft, bool greedyToRight); }
Last modified: 04 July 2023