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public static class ModuleQualificationUtil { public static string GetModuleName(IPsiModule psiModule); public static string GetModuleQualification(IPsiModule module, IModuleReferenceResolveContext context); public static string GetTypeName(IXmlAttributeValue value, out AssemblyNameInfo assemblyName); public static TreeTextRange GetTypeNameCompletionRange(string text, TreeOffset offset); public static TextRange GetTypeNameFullRange(string text, int offset); public static bool IsIdentifierChar(Char c); public static bool IsTypeNameChar(Char c); public static ICollection<ITypeElement> ResolveType(string clrName, IPsiModule module, bool caseSensitive, IModuleReferenceResolveContext context); }

Helper methods to support references to CLR types inside XML documents, e.g. web.config files.

  • GetModuleName returns the name of the given module, e.g. if it's a project, then return the assembly name, else return the module's name.

  • GetModuleQualification returns the fully qualified assembly name of the module, either the compiled assemblies name, or the name built up from the project settings.

  • GetTypeName returns a CLR type name and assembly name info from an assembly qualified type name specified in an XML attribute. Defers to JetBrains.Metadata.Utils.ModuleQualificationUtil.GetTypeName.

  • GetTypeNameCompletionRange takes in a string and a starting offset and works out from the text where a type name will start and end, by walking backwards from the start while IsTypeNameChar is true, and walking forwards while IsIdentifierChar is true.

  • GetTypeNameFullRange returns the full range of a type name inside a given string. This is different to GetTypeNameCompletionRange by allowing type name characters after the start offset, which allows for the current offset to be in a namespace, or for the type name to include nested types.

  • IsIdentifierChar returns true if the given character is a letter, digit or the underscore symbol (_).

  • IsTypeNameChar returns true if the given character is a letter, digit, or either an underscore, period, plus or backtick symbol (_, ., + or ```).

  • ResolveType retrieves a collection of ITypeElement instances for the given CLR name, using an ISymbolScope retrieved via IPsiServices.Symbols.



public static class ReferenceWithTokenUtil { public static void AddRestoreTransactionAction(IPsiServices psiServices, IReferenceWithToken referenceWithToken, ElementRange<IXmlToken> oldRange); public static IXmlToken SetText(IXmlToken token, TreeTextRange oldRange, string newText, ITreeNode elementToDropReferences = null); public static IReferenceWithToken SetText(IReferenceWithToken reference, string newText); }

Helper methods for handling references within a token node. The methods defer to ReferenceWithinElementUtil<IXmlToken>. The SetText methods provide a factory method to create an appropriate token to replace the existing element.



public static class XmlAttributeContainerExtensions { public static TAttribute GetAttribute<TAttribute>(this IXmlAttributeContainer container); public static IXmlAttribute GetAttribute(this IXmlAttributeContainer container, this Predicate<IXmlAttribute> predicate); public static IXmlAttribute GetAttribute(this IXmlAttributeContainer container, this string fullName); }

Gets an attribute from an instance of IXmlAttributeContainer either of a specific derived type, or matching a predicate, or based on name (including namespace prefix, if specified).


public static class XmlAttributeExtension { public static string GetUnquotedText(IXmlAttribute attribute, out TreeTextRange range); public static DocumentRange GetUnquotedValueRange(this IXmlAttribute attribute); }

Helper methods to get information about the unquoted text of an instance of IXmlAttribute. GetUnquotedText will return the unquoted text, as well as the tree range of the value. It is better to use the properties on IXmlValueToken, as that implementation will cache the values for repeated calls. GetUnquotedValueRange returns the range of the unquoted value, relative to the document the XML PSI is hosted inside (this might be an XML file, or an XML island inside another doucment).


public static class XmlAttributeExtensions { public static void Remove(this IXmlAttribute xmlAttribute); }

Convenience method. Will remove the given attribute from its parent tag via IXmlTag.RemoveAttribute(), or directly removes it from the tree if it's not a child of a tag.


public static class XmlAttributeUtil { public static void SetValue(IXmlAttribute attribute, string unquotedValue); public static DocumentRange UnquotedValueDocumentRange(IXmlAttribute attribute); public static TreeTextRange UnquotedValueRange(IXmlAttribute attribute); }

Helper methods for working with XML attributes. SetValue replaces an attributes value by creating a new instance of IXmlAttributeValue and modifying the tree (it takes the write-lock, so the caller doesn't have to). The other methods return the range of the unquoted value of the attribute, relative to the tree, and relative to the document. These may be different if the XML IFile is not the primary PSI tree in the file.


public static class XmlElementFactoryExtensions { public static IXmlAttribute CreateAttributeRaw(this IXmlElementFactory factory, this string attributeText); public static IXmlFile CreateFileRaw(this IXmlElementFactory factory, this string xmlText); }

Creates an instance of IXmlFile or IXmlAttribute using the passed in IXmlElementFactory without putting the created file into a sandbox. The resulting node is essentially not fully initialised - it is not part of a file, and not part of a sandbox, either.


public static class XmlReferenceUtil { public static TReference FindReferenceRecursively<TReference>(ITreeNode element, Predicate<TReference> predicate); }

Helper method that will recursively walk down the PSI tree starting at element, looking for a particular reference, as decided by predicate.


public static class XmlTagExtensions { public static IXmlAttribute GetAttribute(this IXmlTag tag, this Predicate<IXmlAttribute> predicate); public static IXmlAttribute GetAttribute(this IXmlTag tag, this string fullName); public static TreeNodeEnumerable<IXmlAttribute> GetAttributes(this IXmlTag tag); public static string GetFullTagName(this IXmlTag tag); public static IXmlIdentifier GetName(this IXmlTag tag); public static IXmlIdentifier GetNameNode(this IXmlTag tag); public static string GetTagName(this IXmlTag tag); public static string GetTagNamespace(this IXmlTag tag); public static void Remove(this IXmlTag xmlTag); }

Convenience methods that call into properties and methods on IXmlTag and child nodes. E.g. GetTagName returns tag.Header.Name.XmlName, and Remove finds the tag's parent IXmlTagContainer and calls IXmlTagContainer.RemoveTag.


public static class XmlTagUtil { public static bool CanBeEmptyTag(IXmlTag tag); public static void MakeCompound(IXmlTag tag); public static void MakeEmptyTag(IXmlTag tag); }

Helper methods for working with IXmlTag.

  • CanBeEmptyTag returns true if the given tag doesn't have any significant children (e.g. anything other than whitespace), and checks that the current XML language supports converting this tag to be empty, by calling IXmlLanguageSupport.CanMakeTagEmpty.

  • MakeCompound converts an empty, self-closed tag to an empty tag with a header and footer, (e.g. <foo></foo>). Modifies the tree, taking the write-lock.

  • MakeEmpty removes all inner nodes and the footer, and converts the header into a self-closing tag (e.g. <foo />). Modifies the tree, taking the write-lock.


public static class XPathUtil { public static IList<T> GetNestedTags<T>(IXmlTagContainer container, string xpath); }

Walks the child tags of the container until it has satisfied the given XPath-like expression. The xpath parameter isn't really an XPath string, but XPath-like. The path must be relative to the current container, and walks down the tree comparing the tag names at each level with the current path segment name. If the name matches, or the path segment is the wildcard symbol *, the walk continues. The tags that match the last path segment name are returned as part of the list.

Last modified: 04 July 2023