JetBrains Rider 2021.1 Help

Context Actions


Context actions are code transformations helpers available right in the editor. In contrast to quick-fixes, context actions do not aim to resolve a problem or improve your code, instead, they allow you to quickly introduce minor changes like changing access modifiers, generating code that checks for null, convert 'foreach' to 'for', etc.

JetBrains Rider provides hundreds of context actions in all supported languages. You can find the full list in the Context Actions Reference.

Apply context actions

As soon as a context action becomes available for the current caret position, JetBrains Rider displays the corresponding action indicator Themed icon context action screen gray to the left of the caret. Sometimes however, JetBrains Rider provides several contextually available features for the current caret position. In this case, the action indicator corresponding to the action with the highest priority is shown, and all other actions only appear when you expand the action list by clicking on the action indicator or pressing Alt+Enter Context actions have the lowest priority, therefore, they often appear at the bottom of the action list.

Action list

In most cases, a context action is applied immediately. However, some actions require user interaction to choose how exactly they transform your code. In these cases, a Hot Spot Session is deployed in the editor, where you can select one of the suggested values or provide your own values in the active input positions.

For example, here is what happens when you apply the Iterate collection via 'foreach' context action:

Coding assistance context actions foreach 01

After creating the foreach statement, a hot spot session helps you complete editable parameters of the generated statement:

Coding assistance context actions foreach 02

To complete the hot spot session:

  • If JetBrains Rider suggests some values for the current parameter, use Up and Down arrow keys to navigate through the list of suggested values, or just type in a desired value.

  • Press Tab or Enter to accept the value and move to the input position of the next parameter. If this is the last parameter, the hot spot session completes and the caret moves to the end position defined for the session.

  • Press Shift+Tab to move the input focus to the input position of the previous parameter.

  • Press Esc to exit the hot spot session. In this case, all session parameters will be initialized with default values.

Configure context actions

By default, most of the context actions are enabled, but you can easily disable those that you consider unhelpful.

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S or choose File | Settings (Windows and Linux) or JetBrains Rider | Preferences (macOS) from the menu.

  2. Use the search box in the Settings/Preferences dialog to find specific context action.
    Alternatively, open the Editor | Context Actions page and look for the context actions that you want to disable.

  3. Clear the check box next to a context action to disable it.

  4. Click Save in the Settings dialog to apply the modifications and let JetBrains Rider choose where to save them, or save the modifications to a specific settings layer using the Save To list. For more information, see Layer-Based Settings.

Apply context actions in wider scope

Some context actions can automatically find and change similar code items in a larger scope - in the current file, in the current project or in the whole solution. These context actions work the same as Fix in Scope. For example, you can move all types from the current file to new matching files:

Applying context action in a wider scope

The full list of context actions that can be applied in wider scopes includes:


  • Add another accessor

  • Add block braces to switch section statements

  • Add deconstruct pattern component name

  • Add name to argument

  • Add tuple component name

  • Convert explicit to implicit implementation

  • Convert expression body member to statement body

  • Convert 'if' statement to 'switch' expression

  • Convert 'if' statement to 'switch' statement

  • Convert implicit to explicit interface implementation

  • Convert integer literal to binary form

  • Convert integer literal to hexadecimal form

  • Convert integral literal to decimal form

  • Convert string interpolation to 'string.Format' call

  • Convert switch expression to conditional ?: expression(s)

  • Converts member value check expression to recursive pattern

  • Converts not null check into object pattern check

  • Create explicit array creation from 'params' parameter arguments

  • Create explicit constructor declaration for primary constructor

  • Create explicit property declaration for positional parameter

  • Fully qualify reference to type, static member or namespace

  • Include member access into object pattern

  • Inline temporary variable

  • Inlines variable into condition expression using this variable

  • Insert digit separators in integer literal

  • Insert digit separators in real literal

  • Insert generic method invocation type arguments

  • Invoke extension method as static

  • Join attributes into single section

  • Merge sequential checks into null-propagating expression

  • Merge sequential null/pattern checks into single pattern check

  • Move type to another file to match its name

  • Qualify static members imported via 'using static' directive

  • Remove #region, #endregion directives (see Add and Remove #region Blocks)

  • Remove argument name

  • Remove digit separators from numeric literal

  • Remove redundant parenthesis (see Code Syntax Style: Optional Parentheses)

  • Remove tuple component name

  • Replace '?:' conditional operator with null-propagating expression

  • Replace array initializer with expression

  • Replace auto-property with property and backing field

  • Replace explicit type specification with 'var'

  • Replace null-propagating expression with '?:' conditional operator

  • Replace separate deconstruction declarations with single declaration

  • Replace 'var' with explicit type declaration

  • Specify enum member values

  • Split 'and' patterns into multiple 'is' expressions or guard expression

  • Split attributes into separate sections

  • Split null-propagating expression into sequential checks

  • Split 'or' patterns into multiple 'is' expressions or 'switch' cases

  • Split recursive pattern into several consecutive checks

  • To named property patterns

  • Use explicit discard declaration

  • Use implicit discard declaration

  • Use separate declarations in deconstruction declaration/patterns

  • Use string interpolation


  • Move type to another file to match its name


  • Use string interpolation

Last modified: 08 March 2021