JetBrains Rider 2021.1 Help

Language-Independent Context Actions

JetBrains Rider provides the following context actions for common use:

Apply in-place refactoringApplies in-place refactoring.
For more information, see Inplace Refactorings.
Apply in-place refactoring (popup)Applies in-place refactoring.
Apply smart paste behavior (popup)Escapes pasted text according to context.
Apply syntax styleApply syntax style to selection
Cleanup selectionProvides actions to perform code cleanup on selection
Comment selectionComments selection.
Edit with Localization ManagerEdit current resource with Localization Manager
Encapsulate fieldEncapsulating field to property if there is no existing one This context action invokes the Encapsulate Field refactoring.
Format codeFormat code When this action is enabled, JetBrains Rider allows you to apply formatting rules in the current selection.
Import types for pasted codeImports types and extension methods for pasted code fragment
Namespace import fix for pasted code block
This action only appears if all non-imported types in the pasted code block can be unambiguously found in the referenced modules of the current project.
For more information, see Import Missing Namespaces.
Mark as injected language or referenceRecognize literal expression content as some language or reference
Run configuration from static methodRun configuration from static method.
Surround itemsSurround items.
Wrap long lineWrap long line
Last modified: 08 March 2021