JetBrains Rider 2021.1 Help


You can compare two table structures and see the differences in columns, keys, indexes, and other structural table elements. Also, you can compare data in selected tables and see the differences in values.

For more information about dialog controls, see Differences viewer for database objects.

Compare two tables

  1. In the Database tool window (View | Tool Windows | Database), select two tables.

  2. Right-click the selection and navigate to Compare Ctrl+D.

    Compare two tables

Compare the contents of two tables from the Database tool window

By default, when you issue a query, the number of returned rows is limited to 500. This limitation is introduced to avoid an overload (for example, when your SELECT statement returns one million rows). To increase the number of compared rows, configure the Limit page size to parameter.

  1. In the Database tool window (View | Tool Windows | Database), select two tables.

  2. Right-click the selection and navigate to Compare Content.

    If needed, change the value of the Tolerance parameter in the comparison dialog. The Tolerance parameter defines a maximum number of differences that are allowed between two result sets. For example, if you want to consider two rows as equal if their data differs in a single column, enter 1 in the Tolerance field.

Compare the contents of two tables from the editor

  1. Double-click two tables that you want to compare.

  2. In the editor, click the Compare Content button (the Compare Content button) and select the second table.

    Compare two tables
Last modified: 08 March 2021